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Header links "top" & "catalog"


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I'm not sure what they call this area on the catalog, header? so not much luck in searching for a solution.


I want to remove the Top wording and link to link to my sites index.html page outside of the catalog directory.


Where and how do I change the links and even add more links to match the main sites look?

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The "Top" and "Catalog" links are created in /catalog/includes/application_top.php, specifically this code:


  $breadcrumb->add(HEADER_TITLE_TOP, HTTP_SERVER);
 $breadcrumb->add(HEADER_TITLE_CATALOG, tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT));


To change the "Top" link to point your index.html the you'd need to change this line:


  $breadcrumb->add(HEADER_TITLE_TOP, HTTP_SERVER);

To something like this:


  $breadcrumb->add('Link text here', 'http://www.your_domain.com/index.html');

A word of caution, though.


If you link to a page outside the catalog folder the session will probably be lost.


Meaning if they're logged in they get logged out, and the cart would get dumped.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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