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Decrease Width of Left Column OSC 2.3.1


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hi everybody,


i have OSC 2.3.1 installed. the left and right columns are defined differently in 2.3.1 than in previous versions.


does anyone know how to change the width (and color and border) of the left column?




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There is a post here somewhere that explains how to do this..


Open catalog/includes/classes/osc_template.php and find the code stating on line 13 similar to


class oscTemplate {

var $_title;

var $_blocks = array();

var $_grid_container_width = 24;

var $_grid_content_width = 16;

var $_grid_column_width = 4;


The container width stays at 24. The content width you can alter, as you can the column width. Just remember that the column width doubles (as there are a right and left column) plus the content width must equal 24. (4+4+16=24)


There are also posts in this forum on having two different width columns.


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oscommerce 2.3 is based on the 960 grid system. Altering the container width will, as you found out, mess with the site looks. It is possible to change the overall width of the store, again there are posts telling how to do this. Failing that HAVE A READ OF THIS


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There are also posts in this forum on having two different width columns.


Can anyone point me to the posts that describe having two different width columns in 2.3.1? I am unable to find anything on this.

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