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gcheckout problem


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Just realized I posted this over in v3 general...should be here instead...




Surprised that a search didn't come up with anything on this.


I've got a pretty fresh install of 2.2 rc2 and applied Google Checkout 1.4_5_CCS.


Everything appears to run well, but I keep getting the following error:


Mac OS X 2ÁATTR{oÙÁ˜)˜)com.apple.quarantineq/0000;4d6fadc3;Safari;|com.apple.SafariMac OS X 2ÁATTR{pJÁ˜)˜)com.apple.quarantineq/0000;4d6fadc3;Safari;|com.apple.Safari

Fatal error: Class '._flat' not found in /home/user/domain.com/shop/catalog/googlecheckout/gcheckout.php on line 361


Actually I believe I read that as two errors. The first deals with my Mac and the other with gcheckout.


Has anybody seen this?

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The user runs into this error numerous times, but first gets it when they try to login to their account.


Config is as follows:





Google Checkout Module Version = v1.4.5_CCS

Enable GoogleCheckout Module = True

Select Mode of Operation = https://sandbox.google.com/checkout/

.htaccess Basic Authentication Mode = False

Select Merchant Calculation Mode of Operation = https

Disable Google Checkout for Virtual Goods? = False

Allow US PO BOX shipping? = True

Default Values for Real Time Shipping Rates =

GoogleCheckout Carrier Calculated Shipping = True

Carrier Calculater Shipping Configuration = fedexGrounddomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, fedexHome Deliverydomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, fedexExpress Saverdomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, fedex2Daydomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, fedexStandard Overnightdomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, fedexPriority Overnightdomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, fedexFirst Overnightdomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, upsGrounddomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, ups3 Day Selectdomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, ups2nd Day Airdomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, upsNext Day Air Saverdomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, upsNext Day Airdomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, upsNext Day Air Early AMdomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, uspsMedia Maildomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, uspsParcel Postdomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0, uspsExpress Maildomestic_types_CCS:1.00|0|0

Rounding Policy Mode = HALF_EVEN

Rounding Policy Rule = PER_LINE

Cart Expiration Time (Minutes) = NONE

Also send notifications with OSC = True

Google Analytics Id = NONE

3rd Party Tracking = NONE

Google Checkout restricted product categories =

Continue shopping URL. = checkout_success.php

Sort order of display. = 0

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