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The e-commerce.

category variable


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Does anyone know how to access the category variable? I want to print it out as a heading in place of "Let's See What We Have Here". I haven't been able to find it.




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you can change it in: catalogincludeslanguagesenglishdefault.php


good tip: your operating system should have a search for text within files feature. (windows 2000, hit the search button in windows explorer) just pop in the the text you want to change "See What We Have Here" (don't use "let's" since it has an apostrophe) point it at your osc directory and click search. this helps a whole lot with editing. also notice that most of the text things that you will want to change are going to be under languageenglish.


good luck



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Yea, I searched and found where I could change it. What I'm trying to do though is make the text be the current category of product. So have the category name above the product listing.


Any idea how to do that?




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