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The e-commerce.

Transfer to new host problems...


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I am having a multitude of problems with transferring my site to another host. Here is the latest problem that is occurring. Any ideas?



PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting ')' in /osc/includes/geoip.inc on line 186


class GeoIP {


var $flags;


var $filehandle;


var $memory_buffer;


var $databaseType;


var $databaseSegments;


var $record_length;


var $shmid;




"" => 0, "AP" => 1, "EU" => 2, "AD" => 3, "AE" => 4, "AF" => 5,


"AG" => 6, "AI" => 7, "AL" => 8, "AM" => 9, "AN" => 10, "AO" => 11,


"AQ" => 12, "AR" => 13, "AS" => 14, "AT" => 15, "AU" => 16, "AW" => 17,


"AZ" => 18, "BA" => 19, "BB" => 20, "BD" => 21, "BE" => 22, "BF" => 23,


"BG" => 24, "BH" => 25, "BI" => 26, "BJ" => 27, "BM" => 28, "BN" => 29,


"BO" => 30, "BR" => 31, "BS" => 32, "BT" => 33, "BV" => 34, "BW" => 35,


"BY" => 36, "BZ" => 37, "CA" => 38, "CC" => 39, "CD" => 40, "CF" => 41,


"CG" => 42, "CH" => 43, "CI" => 44, "CK" => 45, "CL" => 46, "CM" => 47,


"CN" => 48, "CO" => 49, "CR" => 50, "CU" => 51, "CV" => 52, "CX" => 53,


"CY" => 54, "CZ" => 55, "DE" => 56, "DJ" => 57, "DK" => 58, "DM" => 59,


"DO" => 60, "DZ" => 61, "EC" => 62, "EE" => 63, "EG" => 64, "EH" => 65,


"ER" => 66, "ES" => 67, "ET" => 68, "FI" => 69, "FJ" => 70, "FK" => 71,


"FM" => 72, "FO" => 73, "FR" => 74, "FX" => 75, "GA" => 76, "GB" => 77,


"GD" => 78, "GE" => 79, "GF" => 80, "GH" => 81, "GI" => 82, "GL" => 83,


"GM" => 84, "GN" => 85, "GP" => 86, "GQ" => 87, "GR" => 88, "GS" => 89,


"GT" => 90, "GU" => 91, "GW" => 92, "GY" => 93, "HK" => 94, "HM" => 95





The last ?> is line 186


Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!

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"GT" => 90, "GU" => 91, "GW" => 92, "GY" => 93, "HK" => 94, "HM" => 95


change to

"GT" => 90, "GU" => 91, "GW" => 92, "GY" => 93, "HK" => 94, "HM" => 95);

Please read this line: Do you want to find all the answers to your questions? click here. As for contribution database it's located here!

8 people out of 10 don't bother to read installation manuals. I can recommend: if you can't read the installation manual, don't bother to install any contribution yourself.

Before installing contribution or editing/updating/deleting any files, do the full backup, it will save to you & everyone here on the forum time to fix your issues.

Any issues with oscommerce, I am here to help you.

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