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The e-commerce.

Image appears with a red x


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Hi ........I am new to this oscommerce and you are obviously not so go on and share some of your valuable knowledge and show me how to properly load my catalogue images as the image appears with a red x which is a fault somewhere



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No bold this time! I will try and explain in details..when I go to administration and click on configuration,then to add or modify a product image I click on catalogue then categories and products , when I click on new product to add my new item I go on to fill in the options then when I reach product image (now here is where the problem starts) by loading my image through browse I end up with a white box with a red cross on the preview screen.Do you know how I could prevent this( by the way my images are in jpeg , png and gif).

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Are you browesing them off your harddrive? If you are then it is a diffrent problem. If you are not then you need to. OSC uploads the image directly off your hardrive and then enters the image name and URL into the database. If you are getting your images off your harddrive and still get the red x then there is two posiblities. 1) You need to change the permissions on your image dir to chmod 777 so OSC can write to it. 2) You are fighting PHP safe mode. Which we will cross that bidge if we come to it.



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