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Getting error - Call to undefined function mb_substr()


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Hello, I'm getting a:Call to undefined function mb_substr() in C:\Users...\includes\modules\new_products.php on line 62 from the home page.

Line 62 of the home page is: $p_desc = mb_substr(strip_tags($product['products_description']), 0, MAX_DESCR_MODUL_NEW_PRODS, 'UTF-8').'...';

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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The mb_ string functions are "multibyte" for UTF-8 character encoding. Normally they are included in a PHP build, but in your case, PHP seems to have been set up without multibyte support. Run this script:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

and look for a section labeled "mbstring". In it, you should see "Multibyte Support enabled". If not, talk to your host.


If you only need single byte encoding support (use English or only language(s) that can share a single encoding such as Latin-1), you can look into changing your page encodings, language support files, and database to ISO-8859-1 rather than UTF-8. However, it would be much better to get PHP fixed so that the multibyte support is available.


What version of osCommerce, and what languages do you support?

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