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Removing the phone # as a required field on customer registration form


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I posted this in another forum, but no luck yet. Thought I would post here. I would like to remove the phone # as a required field on the customer registration form (but keep the phone number field, as optional). I saw a post re: same, but it's over 4 years old and I didn't follow how the user made the change. Can you point me to somewhere else in the forums, or if you have done this, tell me how to make the change? If it matters, I'm running v2.2 RC2a with all the security patches applied per the security forum. Thanks!

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  • 8 months later...

I'm making a late post here as I wasted an hour on this myself today and if obcbeatle found the solution he did not post it.


In your administration - Minimum Values: set the minimum length of telephone number to 0 - that's all you need to do!


You will of course want to remove the asterisk by editing catalog/includes/languages/english.php






replace with:



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