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Images Vanish on Product Update


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Im sure this has to have been addressed but Im not able to find any topic to it.

When I create a new product everything uploads just find. If I update any part of the information all the pictures but the small first one are gone. I have to reupload all the images again every time I hit the save button. I know this is not the way it is supposed to work because then there would be no need for the little delete icon next to each upload field. If some one could point me to a thread where this has been discussed..I might add the images never worked properly on the virgin install on the front end. The thumbs never displayed and all images were the same size. Everything eventually worked after I installed oscThumbs. These might not be connected but they were both issues from the beginning. The back end issue will be a big problem because I really dont want to upload every image every time I want to update product info.


-----sorry if this isnt clear, its 330 am and my eyeballs are swimming from reading through hundreds of threads.


thank you

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