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The e-commerce.

£7.50 What's the £ prefix thing?


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Hello. A simple issue.

I am firstly blown away with OSCOMMERCE initialy.

Brilliant work form those who script it.


But on install of the latest version...

I get a £7.50 for the prices and I cannot find out why?

The character is a capital letter A with a litttle upward pointing arrow above it. Just for those who may not see it because there is a screw up with a font Im using.

I don't know.

Just in case thats the eventuality.


Some help would be great.

I am used to scripting in PHP, HTML, Flash but not to this degree. So you can talk code as long as I can see the "Where it is" and "What file to edit it in."


Many thanks from England.


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See here ...

How to fix character encoding errors

The issue you describe is very common and you need know no scripting at all to remedy it :)


Excellent. Thankyou.

And to make it worse I did NOT check it in Internet Explorer or Opera first. Both those browsers displayed the £ correctly. The fault lay in GoogleChrome NOT autodetecting the encoding (as (UTF-8) )


Again. Top marks to the developers and those who man this forum. in these times of recession for me this is a real Godsend.



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