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The e-commerce.


The Bluesman

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Dear all,


I am the owner of the Blues Specialty Shop http://www.bluesdvd.nl and I am planning to make the separate tracks of the blues CDs also downloadable in MP3 format. The result must be that our customer can make the choice between buying the whole, fysical CD or to download the separated tracks. Yust like the CD "Forgetting the Shadows of History" on the webshop of Terranova Music. Watch a sample here: http://www.terranovamusic.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=85


Can (and will) anyone tell me which module they used here????


Because I don't know which oscommerce module I must take I want to ask you all of you if you want to help me and tell me which oscommerce module we must use to get this result and maybe you have some tips for me to install this module without problems.


I hope that you will help me. I will appreciate this very much!


Thanks in advanced.


All the best,


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