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Discount Coupon 2.3 not quite working


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I've got a small problem with the Discount Coupon Code 2.3.1 (using version 2.8) module:


Basically everything works as it should except the single use bit.

If I use what should be a one off code in an order it doesn't show up in the admin section that it's been used at all. Also if I then try to use the same code a 2nd time it doesn't let you re-use it, but it also doesn't give you any sort of message that the code has already been used either.


It's difficult to explain so I hope this is clear enough.

Does anyone know what might be causing this?






50 posts, aren't I cool :lol:

Edited by LewisM
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Wait yes it is!


On the Coupon table (in the admin section) I was looking at the column 'Orders', which did stay at 0.

But if I click on the coupon, over on the right it says 'Number of uses: 1' :D


So that actualy works fine, all that's left to do is add some sort of message to the checkout when there's a voucher error (aka when a customer tries to use an already used voucher) - Any ideas? :)

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Sorry it looked like mosst people were only using Discount Coupon Codes so I didn't bother linking to it heh.

I'm using this add-on:



With the lates version of OsC (2.3.1 I think?).


This works for me however, in my admin panel I get some screwy text. I have attached an image to show you. How do I fix this?




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This works for me however, in my admin panel I get some screwy text. I have attached an image to show you. How do I fix this?




if you did not have this before installing the mod, it seems that you have deleted/replaced a language file...

Dedicated OsCommerce user. 2011 will be the return of OsC

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if you did not have this before installing the mod, it seems that you have deleted/replaced a language file...



All I did was edit the files. No deleting. Can you please tell me which file I need to look at

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Doesn't work for me either...


Can't go past the set up page. I tried creating my own code, and leaving the default one, but when I click save, the page just stays there. I go to the main screen and there are no coupons added. Help, please!

Edited by vmjarala
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I am having similar issues


I have been trying to install Discount Code for 2.3.1 version 2.6 as it seems to have everything I need just to get it functioning.


It seems to have installed ok, but I find Discount Codes under catalog instead of modules/order total, so I don't get the option to install the module.


Using the link under catalog, I seem to be able to create a discount, but only when order total is checked is checked. None of the others will let the discount save.


I am also unable to get the discount field to show up on the checkout payment page, no matter what I try.


Thanks for your help!

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  • 1 month later...

Any fix for the "code used" NOT shown up problem?


My customers can use their codes as many times as the want, I have to control every order and delete all the used discount codes by hand, that can not be the purpose, right?


Anyone have this working?


I use 2.3.1 with the addon discount code 2.6, which works fine instead of this "more than one time using"-thing.


pleeeeeeheeaaaase help

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  • 1 month later...

If there is no support for this addon anymore, why not close this thread and delete the addon? This way it is just to blame and a reason people staying away from oscommerce or changing to another system.

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  • 1 year later...

I am having the same "problem" with this add-on.


It took me a while but I figured out what was going on.


The "number of use" should really be renamed to: "number of use per user"


So if it is 1, the same user can only use it 1 time, but anyone else can use it.


This is not the functionality that I want per se.. I need the codes to sometimes act as gift codes.


I will have to look into either another add- on or try to hack something in. but just a heads up for anyone else if it's hard to understand what is going on/ why it sometimes seems to work.

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