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Administrator level account for RC2a


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Hello, I can install the contribution "Administration Access Level Accounts 2.0", the version Administration Access Level Accounts 2.1, but the file login.php doesn't work when I write the user (admin@localhost) and the password (admin). Login.php changes the table "admin" in my database but it doesnt't redirect to administration's page. Only I can see the page for to write the user andr password. If I write a bad user or password, login.php writes a message of error.


My osCommerce is the version 2.2 RC2a, and I installed a lot of contributions for this, but every contribution does the same.


Can you help me?

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Ensure you make the changes to the administrators.php and login.php files correctly. Also, if you have changed your admin directory name, you will need to edit the contribution files to match that change.





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Ensure you make the changes to the administrators.php and login.php files correctly. Also, if you have changed your admin directory name, you will need to edit the contribution files to match that change.







Cris, the name of my folder admin is panel, but it operates correctly. I can`t find the files for I change admin for panel in this contribution. I have the file configure.php correct, because my osCommerce is opertating good.


This is in my configure.php:


define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', '/panel/'); // absolute path required

define('DIR_FS_ADMIN', '/var/www/vhosts/********/httpdocs/panel/'); // absolute pate required

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