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Problem with hst not showing up on order total


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Hi, I'm new here and would appreciate any help with this. I inherited a site with oscommerce and this is all new to me. My problem is getting the HST to display at checkout. I have corrected the zones so the provinces with hst are in the correct folder and the provinces with gst are in the correct labeled folder. I am in BC and created a third folder zone for BC hst - Now i have discovered the "order total module" only gives me the option for pst and gst....Me thinks this is my problem? if so i guess i need to update this - but where can i find the update. Or am I way off base and i need to do something else.


thank you for any help

Bonnie :rolleyes:

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It sounds like you have the GST and HST zones set up. But you also need to have the two tax classes and tax rates set up as well. Then, assign the correct class to each of the products.






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It sounds like you have the GST and HST zones set up. But you also need to have the two tax classes and tax rates set up as well. Then, assign the correct class to each of the products.







Hi Chris

I think i have the two tax classes setup as well as the tax rates right and attached to the products. But what confuses me is in the "Order Total Modules" in edit mode it gives me an option of Display GST-PST Tax true or false ....then it wants an assigned gst and pst value


so when you go to checkout as a client it shows on the confirmation under delivery address 0% tax but under billing address it shows the gst and pst if the client is in bc and just the gst if out of province. So i be thinking this is tied into this order module? Thoughts? i can send you screen shots of what i am seeing if this would help clarify

Thank you


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Hi Bonnie,



Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like you have a standard setup. Have you installed a contribution for the order total module or are you using a template ?





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Hi Bonnie,



Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like you have a standard setup. Have you installed a contribution for the order total module or are you using a template ?






Oaky now you got me "contribution"?? I am thinking there isn't one here - where would i be looking for that?


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contribution = add on = modification



Your set up is not standard so the code has been altered and therefore I can't suggest anything from a standard installation that may help you.



On a standard installation, you see the TAX portion on the checkout_payment.php page and the checkout_confirmation.php Only. There is no delivery address tax rate shown.



if you would like to PM me your URL, I would be happy to look at it for you, but I am almost certain the code is not standard.




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contribution = add on = modification



Your set up is not standard so the code has been altered and therefore I can't suggest anything from a standard installation that may help you.



On a standard installation, you see the TAX portion on the checkout_payment.php page and the checkout_confirmation.php Only. There is no delivery address tax rate shown.



if you would like to PM me your URL, I would be happy to look at it for you, but I am almost certain the code is not standard.






thank you again and yes if you can take a boo at http://www.beediverse.com/ and shed some light on this form,

very appreciative of your help


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hi Bonnie,



I can see already that your Tax Classes, Rates and zones are not set up correctly. I am in ontario and subject to HST, however at checkout I am only being charged GST. Further, in Canada you must also calculate taxes on shipping costs. Your site currently does not.


I can see where the tax 0% is displayed but that is not standard code. The tax should only be displayed under the sub-total on the checkout_confirmation.php page. I suggest you edit the file to remove that added tax display placeholder.




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hi Bonnie,



I can see already that your Tax Classes, Rates and zones are not set up correctly. I am in ontario and subject to HST, however at checkout I am only being charged GST. Further, in Canada you must also calculate taxes on shipping costs. Your site currently does not.


I can see where the tax 0% is displayed but that is not standard code. The tax should only be displayed under the sub-total on the checkout_confirmation.php page. I suggest you edit the file to remove that added tax display placeholder.





tax classes

gst only class

gst/hst/pst class



bc hst zone



Canada GST zone



-northwest territories


-Prince edward island



-yukon territory


hst zone

-nova scotia


-new brunswick



tax rates

(class) gst/hst/pst class (zone)HST zone (rate)13%

(class) gst/hst/pst class (zone)bc hst zone (rate)12%

(class) gst/hst/pst class (zone)Canada GST zone (rate)5%

(class) gst only class (zone)canada gst zone (rate)5% (this was originally setup for books only before hst attacked everything)


I double checked the products in the catalog and the tax class appears to be correctly assigned.


-The shipping module does have currently the gst only class assigned to it


This is where in the order total modules that dosen't seem right

and i am thinking that this is overiding my hst??

Order Tax


Display Tax



Sort Order



Display Tax Groups



Display GST-PST Tax



GST Value



PST Value



Mode of Calculation

Other: PST=sub*x



Me thinks you are very right that the original person customized this- in short is it worth trying to tweak what is here or start over with a fresh shopping cart


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  • 11 months later...

@@DunWeb I am having a problem with my tax rate also, I have set up as California as the only tax state, nothing else gets taxed. When you enter CA, sometimes it doesnt even show up, and the time that it does.. 8.75% shows up but the amount is wrong.. what is this issue?


my website is ; www.savingshub.com

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I'm also setting up GST and HST on my store, but I'm confused about one thing. We're based in Ontario so local purchases would be subject to HST, but we sell some items (such as books) which are only subject to GST, not the full HST - so their tax rate would be the same across the country. How do I enact this?

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  • 3 weeks later...

i am kind of confused about what tax rates to charge. the business im setting up ecom for is in Ontario, so i know ON gets HST. My research about this gives me:


Online Sales: Which Taxes Do You Collect for Each Province?

In sum, as an online retailer accepting and shipping orders across Canada, the list of taxes you should be collecting and remitting on your online sales currently looks like this:

  • B.C. - HST
  • Alberta – GST
  • Saskatchewan – GST & PST voluntarily (unless is home province)
  • Manitoba – GST & PST
  • Ontario - HST
  • Quebec – QST
  • New Brunswick – HST
  • Nova Scotia – HST
  • Newfoundland & Labrador – HST
  • Prince Edward Island – GST & PST voluntarily (unless is home province)
  • Northwest Territories – GST
  • Nunavut – GST
  • Yukon – GST

This seems incredibly silly, it looks like i need to collect/remit pst for 4 different provinces, plus HST and GST.


Does anyone know if I have this correct? and, does someone know where there is a tutorial for setting up the tax system on the cart?

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i figured out my own problem by phoning govt office. just in case it helps anyone else out, here is the info i got for a business selling taxable goods from ontario for shipping in canada:


tax rates/classes by province:

bc - hst of 12%

ns - hst of 15%

on, nb, nfld- hst of 13%


all rest of canada - GST of 5%


if you have business located in a province, you must register for PST and collect it for that province if shipping there. if you are not in a province, just dont register for their pst, u dont need to collect it.


taxes apply to shipping, also.

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There is a add-on, no 1124 I believe, that explains Canadian tax, specifically for Ontario but I am sure you can adjust it


Peter Mosier
peter AT mosierman DOT com
OSCommerce version 2.2-MS1
My store is located in Ontario, canada. Here we have to juggle Provincial Retail Sales Tax (RST a.k.a. PST), Federal Goods and Services Tax (GST), and Fed/Prov Harmonised Sales Tax (HST).
I found there was much conflicting & confusing information regarding setting up TAXES with
osCommerce. Sometimes the instructions would refer to "Tax Rate" when in reality they meant
to say "Tax Zone", for example. This made setting up taxes much more complicated than necessary.
After spending almost two days muddling through it, I have it now working correctly at my new store.
Below is a step-by-step record what I did. If it helps you, great!
Biggest Hint & Best Kept Secret:
For a good general overview of Sales Tax with OSC, see the file:
...which came with your download of OSC.
A "TAX RATE" is determined by combining or associating the appropriate TAX ZONE *AND* TAX CLASS.
Stated another way: TAX RATE is a function of TAX ZONE and TAX CLASS.
osCommerce uses SHIPPING ADDRESS to determine appropriate taxes, i.e. which TAX ZONE you are shipping into. NOTE: this is the shipping address, *NOT* the billing address.
A TAX RATE is determined by comparing SHIPPING ADDRESS to the Tax ZONE set up for the TAX RATE;
and also by Tax Class assigned to each product.
You can only assign ONE TAX CLASS to a product. For our store, we will only have one TAX CLASS (GST/HST/PST) since all goods are either taxable or non-taxable. When would you use different rates? One example would be if, say, CLOTHES were taxed at a different rate than BOOKS which are in turn different from DVDs. You could create a different TAX CLASS for each family ("class") of product in that case. But we won't have to.
You want (perhaps) the GST for SHIPPING to show up seperately, so we will make a seperate "TAX CLASS" for "GST on Shipping".
THe method below shows the GST and PST totalled together on the same line (see sample output at EOF).
The "Canadian Seperate Tax Hack" (c.v. http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...ons,289/page,3)
does *NOT* seem to function with OSC v2.2-MS1 release (of course this could change with updates, so
don't take my word for it).
(There was a change to the Tax Calculation modules for MS1). I have not yet tried the other Contrib to solve this problem
(Canadian Tax Display, http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...ons,546/page,3) since I suspect it may suffer from the same problem (i.e. not working with MS-1 release); although this is just a hunch.
Having said that, the only problem is that the two taxes are summed together. However, the GST number is display, and the percentages (rates) used are display, and nothing is hidden, so I believe that this will be acceptable according to Federal & Provincial Gov't requirements (but I AM NOT AN ACCOUNTANT!!!!).
Just a careful setup of the zones.
Step-by-Step SETUP:
STEP (1): Set the location for your store:
Configuration --> My Store
- Country: Canada
- Zone: Ontario
STEP (2): Create the "Tax Zones". The are geographical regions where a particular set of tax laws applies
Locations/Taxes --> Tax Zones
Create the Zone for all of Canada
- Zone Name: Canada GST Zone
- Description: GST (most of Canada except NS, NB, NL)
Now click on the newly created "Canada GST Zone" row to drill down one level to "Sub Zones"
Click INSERT to create 10 new sub-zones, one at a time:
- Country: Canada; Zone: Alberta
- Country: Canada; Zone: British Columbia
- Country: Canada; Zone: Manitoba
- Country: Canada; Zone: Northwest Territories
- Country: Canada; Zone: Nunavut
- Country: Canada; Zone: Ontario
- Country: Canada; Zone: Prince Edward Island
- Country: Canada; Zone: Quebec
- Country: Canada; Zone: Saskatchewan
- Country: Canada; Zone: Yukon Territory

Click on "BACK" to go up one level.
Now create the Ontario Provincial Tax Zone:
Click Insert
- Zone Name: Ontario PST Zone
- Description: PST (only when shipping to Ontario)
Now click on the newly created "Ontario PST Zone" row to drill down one level to "Sub Zones"
Click INSERT to create new sub-zone:
- Country: Canada
- Zone: Ontario
Click on "BACK" to go up one level.
Now create the HST Tax Zone:
Click Insert
- Zone Name: HST Zone
- Description: NS, NB, NL
Now click on the newly created "HST Zone" row to drill down one level to "Sub Zones"
Click INSERT to create new sub-zone:
- Country: Canada; Zone: Nova Scotia
- Country: Canada; Zone: New Brunswick
- Country: Canada; Zone: Newfoundland
Do NOT create a seperate Tax zone for Shipping. You will simply use the "Canada" tax zone for the GST Shipping tax class (below).
*** Important: this means that SHIPPING GST will only be charged to destinations within Canada,
*** but NOT charged on exports.
*** According to Canada Customs & Revenue Agency (1-800-959-5525), you do *NOT* charge GST
*** on the shipping fee for EXPORTS.
STEP (3): Create the "Tax Classes"
Note: You can only assign ONE
Tax Class to a product. But since we want shipping gst to
show up seperately, we will make a seperate Tax Class just for it.
Locations/Taxes --> Tax Classes
create TWO (2) tax classes:
- Tax Class Title: GST/HST/PST Class
- Description: All taxable goods
- Tax Class Title: GST Shipping class
- Description: GST on shipping within Canada
Here is where it all comes together: Tax Rates.
Tax Rates associate Tax Zones & Tax Class to determine
the correct Tax Rate.
HINT: The "DESCRIPTION" is what shows up on the invoice
so use it judiciously!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Locations/Taxes --> Tax Rates
create SIX (6) Tax Rates:
- Tax Class Title: GST/PST/HST Class
- Zone: Canada GST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 7.0000
- Description: 7.0% GST#99999 99999 RT0001
- Priority: 1
/*HINT: Insert your GST# as part of DESCRIPTION and it will show up on invoice !!!
/*HINT: Leave PRIORITY at "1" for a non-cumulative tax (i.e. Ontario)
- Tax Class Title: GST/PST/HST Class /* HINT: Yes, this is the same one you just used
- Zone: Ontario PST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 8.0000
- Description: 8.0% PST (Ontario)
- Priority: 1
/*HINT: Leave PRIORITY at "1" for a non-cumulative tax (i.e. Ontario)
but change to "2" for cumulative tax (i.e. You are a Quebec store)
- Tax Class Title: GST/PST/HST Class /* HINT: Yes, this is the same one you just used
- Zone: HST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 15.0000
- Description: 15% HST#R99999 9999 RT0001
- Priority: 1
That takes care of taxes on products. And now, the Shipping taxes:
- Tax Class Title: GST Shipping Class
- Zone: Canada GST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 7.0000
- Description: 7.0% GST on shipping
- Priority: 1
- Tax Class Title: GST Shipping Class
- Zone: Ontario PST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 8.0000
- Description: 8.0% PST (shipping)
- Priority: 1
- Tax Class Title: GST Shipping Class
- Zone: HST Zone
- Tax Rate (%): 15.0000
- Description: 15% shipping HST#99999 9999 RT0001
- Priority: 1
/* HINT: The above will calculate PST on shipping. Although there might
/* be a tendenancy to think of shipping as a PST exempt service, in fact
/* the Ontario Ministry of Finance says that for cacluating the PST,
/* "The total selling price includes delivery, mailing, transportation, or
/* handling charges, but does not include the GST". With the above set-up,
/* the PST for the shipping gets calculated (albeit seperately). If you wanted them
/* calculated together, you could assign "GST/PST/HST Class" as the
/* Tax Class when setting up the shipping method. Personally, I prefer
/* to break it out seperately.
STEP (5): Specify the appropriate Tax Class for SHIPPING MODULES
Edit whichever shipping module(s) you are using.
Tax Class: GST Shipping Class
STEP (6): Specify the appropriate Tax for PRODUCTS
This may take some time....
CATALOG --> Categories/Products
Drill down to each product. Click EDIT
Example Output:
Shipping to Ontario:
Sub-Total: $69.00
Per Item (Best Way): $10.00
8.0% PST (Ontario) + 7.0% GST #99999 9999 RT0001: $10.35
7.0% GST (shipping) + 8.0% PST (shipping): $ 1.50
Total: $90.85

Shipping into the HST zone (NB, NS, or NL):
Sub-Total: $69.00
Per Item (Best Way): $10.00
15% HST#R86179 1655 RT0001: $10.35
15% shipping HST#99999 9999 RT0001: $ 1.50
Total: $90.85
Shipping to Canada, but non-HST, and non-Ontario:
Sub-Total: $69.00
Per Item (Best Way): $10.00
7.0% GST # 99999 9999 RT0001: $ 4.83
7.0% GST (shipping): $ 0.70
Total: $84.53
Shipping to non-Canada zone:
Sub-Total: $69.00
Per Item (Best Way): $10.00
Total: $79.00

Email: peter AT mosierman DOT com





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thanks for the help. I had already seen the tax explanation before. but, unfortunately, taxes have changed in canada since then. ie, ontario no longer has gst and pst, it now has hst. but, other than that, i will use that file for setting up tax collection on site, that is a great tutorial for setting tax rates.


just to be clear, taxes seem to change every year in canada, it really sucks!!!

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