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The e-commerce.

Can't locate folder & files


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I'm using the oscommerce 2.3.1 and trying to remove/swap the boxes, but it's funny I couldn't find the file catalog/includes/column_left.php or right?


Also, I tried to add the rounded corners to the info boxes on the left or right columns which need to be edited from catalog/includes/boxes. But I can't locate the folder "boxes".


I tried to redownload the package, but the files / folder aren't there too.


Could someone help me out please. Am i using the wrong version, looking at the wrong folder or blinded?

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You can do the moving of teh boxes via your admin in 2.3.1, the boxes are now in includes / modules / boxes

the column left & right are not in the file includes / template_top.php


 if (!$oscTemplate->hasBlocks('boxes_column_left')) {
$oscTemplate->setGridContentWidth($oscTemplate->getGridContentWidth() + $oscTemplate->getGridColumnWidth());

 if (!$oscTemplate->hasBlocks('boxes_column_right')) {
$oscTemplate->setGridContentWidth($oscTemplate->getGridContentWidth() + $oscTemplate->getGridColumnWidth());



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