xtronics Posted March 2, 2015 Share Posted March 2, 2015 @@kymation but it's built into jQueryUI, Actually, one could detect that there are no subcategories and put conditional text where I have it in my example. The workaround I posted works well enough for me, Nothing in jQueryUI is a show stopper.I think you mean to simply not have the bottom half - which might actually confuse people. I thought about simply putting a right pointing arrow grafic in empty subcategories. Quote ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring atemporary prosperity; both bring permanent ruin.Ernest Hemingway------------------------------------------------------------------------ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
♥kymation Posted March 2, 2015 Author Share Posted March 2, 2015 Yes, I wasn't very clear. I meant that there is no way to do something different if there is nothing to put in the box, so you have to put something there or have an empty box showing. It can be made to work, it's just not always easy to make it look good. Regards Jim Quote See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roaddoctor Posted June 5, 2015 Share Posted June 5, 2015 It shouldn't be too hard. Look at the output of the Accordion box. It's controlled by the Javascript attached to the categoriesMenu ID. You'll need a n copy of that script with a different ID to control the new accordion. Then it's just a matter of using the same structure. You could also add the other links into the Categories box. Just add links to the $data variable just after these lines: $data = ' <div id="categoriesMenu">' . PHP_EOL; $data .= $categories_string . PHP_EOL; $data .= ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; Regards Jim @@kymation Jim, I'm trying to add two links (Jack;s All Products SEO) and have them appear as categories. Right now I have the following but only get text links to appear $category_count = 0; $this->tep_show_category($first_element); // Begin add title $data .= '<div class="infoBoxContainer"><div class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-top infoBoxHeading">' . MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_BOX_TITLE . '</div>'; // End add title $data .= $categories_string . PHP_EOL; $data .= '</div>'; // infoBoxContainer - bfd /// New links here /**** BEGIN ALL PRODUCTS SEO ****/ $data .= '<div><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ALLPRODS_SEO, '', 'NONSSL') . '" title="' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_CATEGORIES . '">' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_CATEGORIES . '</a></div>'; if (ALL_PRODUCTS_SEO == 'true' && ALL_PRODUCTS_SEO_DISPLAY_PRICE_LIST == 'true') { $data .= '<div><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ALLPRODS_SEO_PRICE_LIST, '', 'NONSSL') . '" title="' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_PRICE_LIST . '"><nobr>' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_PRICE_LIST . '</nobr></a></div>'; } /**** END ALL PRODUCTS SEO ****/ /// end new links return $data; } Could you possibly tell me what I am not doing correctly? The site is here. 2.3.4 not bs Thx much! Quote -Dave Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
♥kymation Posted June 5, 2015 Author Share Posted June 5, 2015 You're adding the new "categories" outside the box container so they don't get styled. Try this: $category_count = 0; $this->tep_show_category($first_element); // Begin add title $data .= '<div class="infoBoxContainer"><div class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-top infoBoxHeading">' . MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_BOX_TITLE . '</div>'; // End add title $data .= $categories_string . PHP_EOL; /// New links here /**** BEGIN ALL PRODUCTS SEO ****/ $data .= '<div><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ALLPRODS_SEO, '', 'NONSSL') . '" title="' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_CATEGORIES . '">' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_CATEGORIES . '</a></div>'; if (ALL_PRODUCTS_SEO == 'true' && ALL_PRODUCTS_SEO_DISPLAY_PRICE_LIST == 'true') { $data .= '<div><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ALLPRODS_SEO_PRICE_LIST, '', 'NONSSL') . '" title="' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_PRICE_LIST . '"><nobr>' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_PRICE_LIST . '</nobr></a></div>'; } /**** END ALL PRODUCTS SEO ****/ /// end new links $data .= '</div>'; // infoBoxContainer - bfd return $data; } Regards Jim Quote See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roaddoctor Posted June 5, 2015 Share Posted June 5, 2015 @@kymation Thank you Jim. That change was correct, the links are in the container now. They remain as text links though. I've read thru this thread back to page 11 and saw some similar questions but could not find any example. Has anyone adapted the All Products SEO into bm_categories_accordion.php? if so please share :) Thx much Dave Quote -Dave Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
♥kymation Posted June 5, 2015 Author Share Posted June 5, 2015 (edited) You need to change your links to make them look like the accordion box links. So, instead of $data .= '<div><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ALLPRODS_SEO, '', 'NONSSL') . '" title="' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_CATEGORIES . '">' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_CATEGORIES . '</a></div>'; you need to have $data .= ' <h3'; $data .= ' onclick="location.href=\''; $data .= tep_href_link( FILENAME_ALLPRODS_SEO ); $data .= '\';"'; $data .= '>'; $data .= '<a href="#">'; $data .= BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_CATEGORIES; $data .= '</a>'; $data .= '</h3>' . PHP_EOL; Regards Jim Multiple edits: This forum hates me today. Edited June 5, 2015 by kymation Quote See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roaddoctor Posted June 6, 2015 Share Posted June 6, 2015 @@kymation Thank you Jim. Everything worked fine with above, with one bug... The 2 links work every other click. home page / proper page alternating. If I use the original link syntax, but add in a <h3> I get the same appearance and the links work fine. Both methods formatted the text correctly but did not give the link a "category" (jquery) like appearance. I'm "good enough" for now but I attached the file if anyone else would like to improve upon it. Thanks again Jim - your appreciated. Dave <?php /* $Id: bm_categories_accordion.php v1.2 20130612 Kymation $ $Loc: catalog/includes/modules/boxes/ $ -adapted for All Products SEO 6/6/2015- osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright (c) 2013 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ class bm_categories_accordion { var $code = 'bm_categories_accordion'; var $group = 'boxes'; var $title; var $description; var $sort_order; var $enabled = false; var $pages; function bm_categories_accordion() { global $PHP_SELF; $this->title = MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_TITLE; $this->description = MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_DESCRIPTION; if ( defined('MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_STATUS') ) { $this->sort_order = MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_SORT_ORDER; $this->enabled = (MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_STATUS == 'True'); $this->pages = MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_DISPLAY_PAGES; $this->group = ((MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_CONTENT_PLACEMENT == 'Left Column') ? 'boxes_column_left' : 'boxes_column_right'); } } function tep_show_category($counter) { global $tree, $categories_string, $cPath_array, $category_active_id, $category_count, $PHP_SELF; if ($tree[$counter]['parent'] == 0) { $cPath_new = 'cPath=' . $counter; $category_count++; } else { $cPath_new = 'cPath=' . $tree[$counter]['path']; } if( $tree[$counter]['level'] == 0 ) { if ($tree[$counter]['category_number'] == 0 ) { $category_active_id = 'false'; } else { $categories_string .= ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; } if (isset($cPath_array) && in_array($counter, $cPath_array)) { $category_active_id = $tree[$counter]['category_number']; } $categories_string .= ' <h3'; $categories_string .= ' onclick="location.href=\''; $categories_string .= tep_href_link( FILENAME_DEFAULT, $cPath_new ); $categories_string .= '\';"'; $categories_string .= '>'; $categories_string .= '<a href="#">'; $categories_string .= $tree[$counter]['name']; $categories_string .= '</a>'; $categories_string .= '</h3>' . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= ' <div>' . PHP_EOL; //test $categories_string .= '<div><b>' . $tree[$counter]['name'] .' → </b>' . PHP_EOL; } else { $category_indent = ($tree[$counter]['level'] * 0.5 ) - 1; $categories_string .= ' <div style="margin: 0 -15px 0 ' . $category_indent . 'em; border-top: 1px solid #cccccc; padding-top:5px; padding-bottom: 5px;">' . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= ' <a href="'; $categories_string .= tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, $cPath_new) . '">'; if (isset($cPath_array) && in_array($counter, $cPath_array)) { $categories_string .= '<strong>'; } // display category name $categories_string .= $tree[$counter]['name']; if (isset($cPath_array) && in_array($counter, $cPath_array)) { $categories_string .= '</strong>'; } if (tep_has_category_subcategories($counter)) { // Uncomment the next line if you want the ugly text arrows // $categories_string .= '->'; } $categories_string .= '</a>'; if (SHOW_COUNTS == 'true') { $products_in_category = tep_count_products_in_category($counter); if ($products_in_category > 0) { $categories_string .= ' (' . $products_in_category . ')'; } } $categories_string .= ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; } if ($tree[$counter]['next_id'] != false) { $this->tep_show_category($tree[$counter]['next_id']); } else { $categories_string .= ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= ' </div>' . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= ' <script type="text/javascript">' . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= ' $(function() {' . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= ' $( "#categoriesMenu" ).accordion({' . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= ' autoHeight: false,' . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= ' collapsible: true,' . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= ' icons: {' . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= " 'header': 'ui-icon-" . MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_ICON . "'," . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= " 'headerSelected': 'ui-icon-" . MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_ICON_SELECTED . "'" . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= ' },' . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= ' active: ' . $category_active_id . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= ' });' . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= ' });' . PHP_EOL; $categories_string .= ' </script>' . PHP_EOL; } } function getData() { global $categories_string, $tree, $languages_id, $cPath, $cPath_array; $data = ''; // per kymation $categories_string = '<div id="categoriesMenu">' . PHP_EOL; $tree = array(); $categories_query_raw = " select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c join " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd on (cd.categories_id = c.categories_id) where c.parent_id = '0' and c.categories_status = 1 and cd.language_id='" . ( int )$languages_id ."' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name "; $categories_query = tep_db_query( $categories_query_raw ); $category_number = 0; while ($categories = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query)) { $tree[$categories['categories_id']] = array('name' => $categories['categories_name'], 'parent' => $categories['parent_id'], 'level' => 0, 'path' => $categories['categories_id'], 'next_id' => false, 'category_number' => $category_number ); $category_number++; if (isset($parent_id)) { $tree[$parent_id]['next_id'] = $categories['categories_id']; } $parent_id = $categories['categories_id']; if (!isset($first_element)) { $first_element = $categories['categories_id']; } } if (tep_not_null($cPath)) { $new_path = ''; reset($cPath_array); while (list($key, $value) = each($cPath_array)) { unset($parent_id); if (isset($first_id)) { unset($first_id); } $categories_query_raw = " select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from " . TABLE_CATEGORIES . " c join " . TABLE_CATEGORIES_DESCRIPTION . " cd on (c.categories_id = cd.categories_id) where c.parent_id = '" . (int)$value . "' and c.categories_status = 1 and cd.language_id='" . (int)$languages_id ."' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name "; $categories_query = tep_db_query( $categories_query_raw ); if (tep_db_num_rows($categories_query)) { $new_path .= $value; while ($row = tep_db_fetch_array($categories_query)) { $tree[$row['categories_id']] = array('name' => $row['categories_name'], 'parent' => $row['parent_id'], 'level' => $key+1, 'path' => $new_path . '_' . $row['categories_id'], 'next_id' => false, 'category_number' => false ); if (isset($parent_id)) { $tree[$parent_id]['next_id'] = $row['categories_id']; } $parent_id = $row['categories_id']; if (!isset($first_id)) { $first_id = $row['categories_id']; } $last_id = $row['categories_id']; } $tree[$last_id]['next_id'] = $tree[$value]['next_id']; $tree[$value]['next_id'] = $first_id; $new_path .= '_'; } else { break; } } } $category_count = 0; $this->tep_show_category($first_element); // Begin add title $data .= '<div class="infoBoxContainer"><div class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-top infoBoxHeading">' . MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_BOX_TITLE . '</div>'; // End add title $data .= $categories_string . PHP_EOL; /// $data = $categories_string . PHP_EOL; /// New links here /**** BEGIN ALL PRODUCTS SEO ****/ $data .= '<div><h3><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ALLPRODS_SEO, '', 'NONSSL') . '" title="' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_CATEGORIES . '">' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_CATEGORIES . '</a></h3></div>'; /* $data .= '<div>'; $data .= ' <h3'; $data .= ' onclick="location.href=\''; $data .= tep_href_link( FILENAME_ALLPRODS_SEO ); $data .= '\';"'; $data .= '>'; $data .= '<a href="#">'; $data .= BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_CATEGORIES; $data .= '</a>'; $data .= '</h3>' . PHP_EOL; $data .= '</div>'; */ if (ALL_PRODUCTS_SEO == 'true' && ALL_PRODUCTS_SEO_DISPLAY_PRICE_LIST == 'true') { $data .= '<div><h3><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ALLPRODS_SEO_PRICE_LIST, '', 'NONSSL') . '" title="' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_PRICE_LIST . '"><nobr>' . BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_PRICE_LIST . '</nobr></a></h3></div>'; /* $data .= '<div>'; $data .= ' <h3'; $data .= ' onclick="location.href=\''; $data .= tep_href_link( FILENAME_ALLPRODS_SEO_PRICE_LIST ); $data .= '\';"'; $data .= '>'; $data .= '<a href="#">'; $data .= BOX_INFORMATION_ALLPRODS_SEO_PRICE_LIST; $data .= '</a>'; $data .= '</h3>' . PHP_EOL; $data .= '</div>'; */ } // if (ALL_PRODUCTS_SEO /**** END ALL PRODUCTS SEO ****/ /// end new links $data .= '</div>'; // infoBoxContainer return $data; } function execute() { global $SID, $oscTemplate; if ((USE_CACHE == 'true') && empty($SID)) { $output = tep_cache_categories_accordion_box(); } else { $output = $this->getData(); } $oscTemplate->addBlock($output, $this->group); } function isEnabled() { return $this->enabled; } function check() { return defined('MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_STATUS'); } function install() { tep_db_query( "insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('Enable Categories Module', 'MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_STATUS', 'True', 'Do you want to add the module to your shop?', '6', '1', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now())"); tep_db_query( "insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('Content Placement', 'MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_CONTENT_PLACEMENT', 'Left Column', 'Should the module be loaded in the left or right column?', '6', '2', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'Left Column\', \'Right Column\'), ', now())"); tep_db_query( "insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('Sort Order', 'MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_SORT_ORDER', '0', 'Sort order of display. Lowest is displayed first.', '6', '3', now())"); tep_db_query( "insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('Selected Icon', 'MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_ICON_SELECTED', 'minus', 'Select the icon to use for the selected tab.', '6', '5', 'tep_cfg_pull_down_icon(', now())"); tep_db_query( "insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('Unselected Icon', 'MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_ICON', 'plus', 'Select the icon to use for the unselected tabs.', '6', '4', 'tep_cfg_pull_down_icon(', now())"); tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('Display in pages.', 'MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_DISPLAY_PAGES', 'all', 'select pages where this box should be displayed. ', '6', '0','tep_cfg_select_pages(' , now())"); } function remove() { tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key in ('" . implode("', '", $this->keys()) . "')"); } function keys() { $keys = array(); $keys[] = 'MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_STATUS'; $keys[] = 'MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_CONTENT_PLACEMENT'; $keys[] = 'MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_SORT_ORDER'; $keys[] = 'MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_ICON_SELECTED'; $keys[] = 'MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_ICON'; $keys[] = 'MODULE_BOXES_CATEGORIES_ACCORDION_DISPLAY_PAGES'; return $keys; } } // class //// // Generate a pulldown menu of the available jquery icons // Requires a text file containing a list of the icons, one per line, // at: ext/jquery/ui/icons.txt if (!function_exists('tep_cfg_pull_down_icon')) { function tep_cfg_pull_down_icon($icon, $key = '') { $icons_array = array (); $file = DIR_FS_CATALOG . '/ext/jquery/ui/icons.txt'; // $file = '/ext/jquery/ui/icons.txt'; if (file_exists($file) && is_file($file)) { $name = (($key) ? 'configuration[' . $key . ']' : 'configuration_value'); $file_contents = @file($file); foreach ($file_contents as $icon_name) { $icon_name = trim($icon_name); if (strlen($icon_name) > 0) { $icon_name = str_replace('ui-icon-', '', $icon_name); $icons_array[] = array ( 'id' => $icon_name, 'text' => $icon_name ); } // if (strlen } // foreach ($file_contents } // if( file_exists return tep_draw_pull_down_menu($name, $icons_array, $icon); } // function tep_cfg_pull_down_icon } // if (!function_exists ?> Quote -Dave Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
♥kymation Posted June 6, 2015 Author Share Posted June 6, 2015 The documentation for the jQueryUI Accordion function tells me that should not work. So much for the documentation. Go with what works and don't worry about it. Regards Jim Quote See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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