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I need Help!


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I am having a tough time for some reason understanding some of the set up of our line of products & applicable attributes to suit. We are a custom skin company but for sports like boards & skis of all kinds. We have Catalogue skins designs, & custom skin designs. The custom is easy but the catalogue isn't for me..


Basically in a nut shell this is how i want this to work.


User comes in, chooses either custom or catalogue the user then goes through the catalogue of art chooses his preferred art ads to cart and now he has options.... Choosing a specific type such as..


Skateboard Bottom

Snowboard top (but with 4 sizes) at a different price)

Kids Snow Skis (s,m,l) etc. at a different price and so on and so one.


From what I think I understand my design art is the product, then I need a drop down for type, but certain types have size options as well so there is where i am stuck...


Does anyone have any suggestions?


This part is essential to the whole shopping experience.


Thanks Keith

And what is the Option Value

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I would set up your categories as such:


>Catalogue skins designs

>Skate Board Bottom

> Product

> Product

> Product

>Skate Board Top

> Product

> Product

> Product


>Custom skin designs

>Skate Board Bottom

> Product

> Product

> Product

>Skate Board Top

> Product

> Product

> Product


>Snow Suits


> Product

> Product

> Product


> Product

> Product

> Product


> Product

> Product

> Product



As for attributes, you can assign any number of attributes for each product.




Product 1 may come in 4 sizes. So you would choose the product option 'Size' and then add the sizes available under option values as 10", 12", 14", 16"


Then under Product Attributes (bottom of the page) you would select from the drop down menu's:


Product 1 Size [10"] [blank] [+].............insert

Product 1 Size [12"] [3.00] [+].............insert

Product 1 Size [14"] [6.00] [+].............insert



The above would appear on the Product 1 info page and give the customer a choice of sizes from 10" to 14" with varying prices. 10" being the displayed price on the product page. 12" being 3.00 more than the displayed price and 14" being 6.00 more than the displayed price.



Attributes can be tricky, but once you do a couple, it will get easier.





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That seems like A WOW AMOUNT OF WORK. Do you have a simpler solution..... such as is there a way to make it work like so...


Choose a piece of art (at no cost)in a category (Catalogue, Artist Skins, 18+ Skins - There is different art in each category) then choose your type (Snowboard top, wakeboard top, ski tops etc..) at no cost and then choose your size but only on certain types at a certain cost?


Maybe then i wouldn't have to copy the same piece of art to every type that seems like a lot of adding time for 1 piece of new art?


Is there a different thought on the above structure?

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The Attribute Clone Tool is very handy for repetitive attributes.







I saw the update fix for this as coding to install. I know absolutely nothing about adding this type of thing and am completely new to osCommerce. I have options on my cart like two long lists of fragrances and I need some streamlining or I'll be forever adding products and options. Is there someone who could help me install this?

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