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The e-commerce.

Weights not adding up correctly.


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In order to solve my shipping woes, (which involve shipping according to quantities instead of weights) I've decided to set each item to 1lb and do it that way. I set the tare weight to zero and the weight of each product to 1lb.


Problem is when I put two items in the cart (each with a weight of 1.0lb) the checkout shows that the total weight is 2.2lbs. Where's that other .2lbs coming from?



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Did you set both the Tare weight to 0 and the Large Packages to 0?


When I set Tare to 0 and Large packages to 10 I get 7.7lbs on 7lb


When I set Tare to 0 and Large packages to 0 I get 7lbs on 7lb

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