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The e-commerce.

Affiliate Program


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I am wanting to help biuld my business online by adding an Affiliate Marketing Software to my website. Can some one suggest any good programs or are there any oscommerse contributions I can download.


I am using oscommerce V2.2 RC2, so also neeed to know if there are any contributions, which ones would be compadible to my website templates.

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what problems are you getting Nick?

I thought it was working fine.



Hmm it's been a while since I played around with it. I can't recall exactly what issue I had, but I do remember that multiple people in that support forum last year said that it was unreliable for them as well. Maybe I'll have to give it another look... Are you using it or some other program like shareasale, etc?

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not using it personally but i had repaired a fair amount of problems as I installed it for a client and tested it.

As far as i am aware it works fine now.

the only thing left to do is the banner upload, which you can easily get around by specifying the location.


Sometimes you're the dog and sometimes the lamp post


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not using it personally but i had repaired a fair amount of problems as I installed it for a client and tested it.

As far as i am aware it works fine now.

the only thing left to do is the banner upload, which you can easily get around by specifying the location.


hello fimble. i just read your PM. yes, when first use this banner, i see it not work well.

but im sorry, the main problem from my PM is.


when affiliate user want make "build product link", no image appear on affiliate user CPanel. but for the copy link "IT work fine" no problem.

it happened for build product, banner, and categories"


so, is it happend to you?


so when i see the script. i just make 1 change but i need your advice, coz i newbie for security



$link = '<a href="' . HTTPS_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO . '?ref=' . $affiliate_id . '&products_id=' . $prod_id . '&affiliate_banner_id=' . $ban_id . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $affiliate_banners['affiliate_banners_image'] . '" border="0" height="100" width="100" alt="' . $affiliate_products['products_name'] . '"></a>';



$link = '<a href="' . HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO . '?ref=' . $affiliate_id . '&products_id=' . $prod_id . '&affiliate_banner_id=' . $ban_id . '" target="_blank"><img src="' . HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $affiliate_banners['affiliate_banners_image'] . '" border="0" height="100" width="100" alt="' . $affiliate_products['products_name'] . '"></a>';


i just delete S from HTTPS, is it danger?for security? when i dell S, the image appear weel


and i just add height="100" width="100" for each script that will make image not to large


thank add on intall on toko online

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Your website has been hacked !


Follow these steps to clean and secure your website:


1) Lock down your site by using an .htaccess password so your customers are not attacked by the hackers code.


2) FTP all of the files to your local machine and use a program like WinGrep to identify and remove all malicious and anomalous files containing hacker code.


3) Delete the files on your hosting account before uploading the clean files.


4) FTP the clean files back to your hosting account and read and implement the security patches and contributions found in these two threads. Admin Security and Website Security.


5) Change all of your passwords: FTP, CPANEL, STORE ADMIN and DATABASE


6) Make sure File and Directory Permissions are set correctly. Directories no higher than 755, Files no higher than 644 and the TWO configure.php files no higher than 444


7) If your site has been 'black listed' as an attack site by Google, then log into Google Webmaster Tools and submit the site to be re-indexed and verified to be removed from the 'black list'


8) Remove the .htaccess password protection so your customers can resume making purchases from your website.


9) Monitor your website using the newly installed contributions to prevent future hacker attacks.


10) If you feel you can not perform any of the above steps, PM me for help, because if you miss any of these steps your site may remain accessible to the hacker.





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  • 1 month later...

I have gone through the process of uploading all the files for Affiliate program into Cataloge and Admin. Now doing the manual changes, in the instructions it has;

In checkout_process.php in the catalog directory find line


// load the after_process function from the payment modules



and insert before it



require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'affiliate_checkout_process.php');


I have gone through all the folders in Catalogue and Admin and can't find a file called checkout_process.php so what should I do. Will this mean that the program won't work properly.

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