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Help Inserting YouTube Object Code


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I am trying to insert a YouTube video into the left_column.php, which is not the issue and loads fine. Issue being that when I go to access a HTTP page, I get error "Warning, Contains Unauthenticated Content". How do I insert the object code correctly without breaking the ssl?


Thanks JR

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I am trying to insert a YouTube video into the left_column.php, which is not the issue and loads fine. Issue being that when I go to access a HTTP page, I get error "Warning, Contains Unauthenticated Content". How do I insert the object code correctly without breaking the ssl?


Thanks JR

This works for google adsense:


<?php  if ($request_type == NONSSL) {    /* only show adsense in NON SSL else it causes warning */
<tr><td  align="center">
<?php } ?>

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