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Ajax Attribute Manager v2.8.2 beta

John Tweedlie

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I just installed Ajax Attribute Manager v2.8.2 beta. All the files uploaded correctly, all files in the correct place and checked 3 times the installation code for errors - all good. Unfortunately i get this message when editing product:-


fweewThis will overwrite this products current options and cannot be undone.'); define('AM_AJAX_NEW_TEMPLATE_NAME_HEADER', 'Please enter a new name for the new Template. Or...'); define('AM_AJAX_NEW_NAME', 'New Name:'); define('AM_AJAX_CHOOSE_EXISTING_TEMPLATE_TO_OVERWRITE', ' ...

... Choose an existing one to overwrite'); define('AM_AJAX_CHOOSE_EXISTING_TEMPLATE_TITLE', 'Existing:'); define('AM_AJAX_RENAME_TEMPLATE_ENTER_NEW_NAME', 'Please enter the new name for the %s Template'); define('AM_AJAX_PROMPT_DELETE_TEMPLATE', 'Are you sure you want to delete the %s Template?

This cannot be undone!'); //attributeManager.php define('AM_AJAX_ADDS_ATTRIBUTE_TO_OPTION', 'Adds the selected attribute on the left to the %s option'); define('AM_AJAX_ADDS_NEW_VALUE_TO_OPTION', 'Adds a new value to the %s option'); define('AM_AJAX_PRODUCT_REMOVES_OPTION_AND_ITS_VALUES', 'Removes the option %1$s and the %2$d option value(s) below it from this product'); define('AM_AJAX_CHANGES', 'Changes'); define('AM_AJAX_LOADS_SELECTED_TEMPLATE', 'Loads the selected template'); define('AM_AJAX_SAVES_ATTRIBUTES_AS_A_NEW_TEMPLATE', 'Saves the current attributes as a new template'); define('AM_AJAX_RENAMES_THE_SELECTED_TEMPLATE', 'Renames the selected template'); define('AM_AJAX_DELETES_THE_SELECTED_TEMPLATE', 'Deletes the selected template'); define('AM_AJAX_NAME', 'Name'); define('AM_AJAX_ACTION', 'Action'); define('AM_AJAX_PRODUCT_REMOVES_VALUE_FROM_OPTION', 'Removes %1$s from %2$s, from this product'); define('AM_AJAX_MOVES_VALUE_UP', 'Moves option value up'); define('AM_AJAX_MOVES_VALUE_DOWN', 'Moves option value down'); define('AM_AJAX_ADDS_NEW_OPTION', 'Adds a new option to the list'); define('AM_AJAX_OPTION', 'Option:'); define('AM_AJAX_VALUE', 'Value:'); define('AM_AJAX_PREFIX', 'Prefix:'); define('AM_AJAX_PRICE', 'Price:'); define('AM_AJAX_WEIGHT_PREFIX', 'Wgt.Prefix:'); define('AM_AJAX_WEIGHT', 'Weight:'); define('AM_AJAX_SORT', 'Sort:'); define('AM_AJAX_ADDS_NEW_OPTION_VALUE', 'Adds a new option value to the list'); define('AM_AJAX_ADDS_ATTRIBUTE_TO_PRODUCT', 'Adds the attribute to the current product'); define('AM_AJAX_DELETES_ATTRIBUTE_FROM_PRODUCT', 'Deletes attribute or attribute combination from the current product'); define('AM_AJAX_QUANTITY', 'Quantity:'); define('AM_AJAX_PRODUCT_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE_COMBINATION_AND_STOCK', 'Removes this attribute combination and stock from this product'); define('AM_AJAX_UPDATE_OR_INSERT_ATTRIBUTE_COMBINATIONBY_QUANTITY', 'Update or Insert the attribute combination with the given quantity'); define('AM_AJAX_UPDATE_PRODUCT_QUANTITY', 'Set the given quantity to the current product'); //attributeManager.class.php define('AM_AJAX_TEMPLATES', '-- Templates --'); //---------------------------- // Change: download attributes for AM // // author: mytool //----------------------------- define('AM_AJAX_FILENAME', 'File'); define('AM_AJAX_FILE_DAYS', 'Days'); define('AM_AJAX_FILE_COUNT', 'Max. downloads'); define('AM_AJAX_DOWLNOAD_EDIT', 'Edit download option'); define('AM_AJAX_DOWLNOAD_ADD_NEW', 'Add download option'); define('AM_AJAX_DOWLNOAD_DELETE', 'Delete download option'); define('AM_AJAX_HEADER_DOWLNOAD_ADD_NEW', 'Add download option for \"%s\"'); define('AM_AJAX_HEADER_DOWLNOAD_EDIT', 'Edit download option for \"%s\"'); define('AM_AJAX_HEADER_DOWLNOAD_DELETE', 'Delete download option from \"%s\"'); define('AM_AJAX_FIRST_SAVE', 'Save Product before adding options'); //---------------------------- // EOF Change: download attributes for AM //----------------------------- define('AM_AJAX_OPTION_NEW_PANEL','New option:'); //---------------------------- // EOF Change: options as images AM by (mortal) //----------------------------- define('AM_AJAX_OAI_SELECT', 'Choose image: '); define('AM_AJAX_OAI_SELECT_MANAGER', 'Find image'); define('AM_AJAX_OAI_STATUS', 'Use images: '); define('AM_AJAX_OAI_STATUS_IMGALT', 'Use images to display values'); //---------------------------- // EOF Change: option type for AM by (mortal) //----------------------------- define('AM_AJAX_OPTION_TYPE', 'Option type?'); define('AM_AJAX_OPTION_TYPE_SIZE', 'Field size?'); define('AM_AJAX_OPTION_TYPE_COMMENT', 'Comment'); //---------------------------- // EOF Change: edit/delete options and vaules for AM by (mortal) //----------------------------- define('AM_AJAX_PROMPT_DELETE_OPTION','Delete this option and all child values

and delete the option from all products using it \"%s\"'); define('AM_AJAX_PROMPT_DELETE_OPTION_VALUE','Delete this value and remove it from the products using it\"%s\"'); define('AM_AJAX_ENTER_EDIT_OPTION_VALUE_NAME', 'Edit value'); define('AM_AJAX_ENTER_EDIT_OPTION_NAME', 'Edit option'); ?>


Any ideas? Would it be incorrect pathways in the config_tinybrowser.php? I am lost!





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  • 3 months later...

Checked all <? for missing php. It's all there. Realised though, after trying to install for ages, that i dont actually need that contribution so have given up. Thanks for the reply though.




I realise this been here for ages but I just started to look at Osc. I am replying to this in case some one find this thread like I did. I manage to track down the missing 'php'. Might save some one a bit of time. The offending file is attributeManger/languages/English/attributeManager.php. The very first line '<?' should be '<?php'



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