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Fatal error: Call to undefined function tep_banner_exists


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Hey guys,


Got a little problem here. For my site, everything's going great... but, in my admin panel, when I try to install a new module for my "boxes", I get this:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function tep_banner_exists() in C:\wamp\www\EPStore\includes\modules\boxes\banner_header.php on line 10


So here I am, not able to add any more module to my site.



Could anybody please help?

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Hey guys,


Got a little problem here. For my site, everything's going great... but, in my admin panel, when I try to install a new module for my "boxes", I get this:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function tep_banner_exists() in C:\wamp\www\EPStore\includes\modules\boxes\banner_header.php on line 10


So here I am, not able to add any more module to my site.



Could anybody please help?



Please, guys?

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You are probably getting no replies as this is non standard code and a non standard module.


Sounds to me like you are calling an undefined function in the constructor.

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And how do I go about fixing this? I guess I need to define that function, right? Weird cuz it seemed to me like it had been done.


Sorry, I'm kind of new to this...

The function will be in the install files of the add on. It looks like you have missed something somewhere

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The function will be in the install files of the add on. It looks like you have missed something somewhere

Damn, this was all part of a template and I DID install every file that was included.

I guess I'm f***ed :(

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Damn, this was all part of a template and I DID install every file that was included.

I guess I'm f***ed :(


Not necessarily .. try this ( although it is a fudge ).


Open file banner_header.php


Find ..


	function bm_banner_header() {


Change to ...


	function bm_banner_header() {
 	if ( !function_exists( 'tep_banner_exists' ) ) {
   	function tep_banner_exists( $action, $identifier ) {}


I've never seen the code so I'm guessing a lot but give it a try.

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Not necessarily .. try this ( although it is a fudge ).



Hey FWR, thanks for the try...

Unfortunately, I don't even have a "function line" in my code for banner_header.

All I got, except for the "banner_header"s in my language files, is the one in my includes/modules/boxes directory... And it reads:

<?php if ($banner = tep_banner_exists('dynamic', 'banner9')) { echo tep_display_banner('static', $banner); }?>
     	 <div><?php if ($banner = tep_banner_exists('dynamic', 'banner10')) { echo tep_display_banner('static', $banner); }?></div>
        <?php if ($banner = tep_banner_exists('dynamic', 'banner11')) { echo tep_display_banner('static', $banner); }?>


Man, I think I'm in serious need for a "PHP for Dummies" book :)

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Hey FWR, thanks for the try...

Unfortunately, I don't even have a "function line" in my code for banner_header.


I have misunderstood the error then.


Which module were you trying to install? what is it's name and filename?

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tep_banner_exists() is a standard osC function defined in /catalog/includes/functions/banner.php


But you've said you get the error in your admin.


There's no reason to display a banner in the admin.


I'm guessing you've accidentally uploaded a file from the catalog side into the admin by mistake.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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I'm guessing you've accidentally uploaded a file from the catalog side into the admin by mistake.


Yeah I'm not entirely sure the poster gave the correct info. He said "installing a module". Modules are in the catalog side and if they called catalog side functions when instantiating in admin then it would error out like the posters problem.

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Yeah I'm not entirely sure the poster gave the correct info. He said "installing a module". Modules are in the catalog side and if they called catalog side functions when instantiating in admin then it would error out like the posters problem.

Ya, I guess I wasn't entirely clear. Sorry.

So, to explain my problem a little better... That error message I posted earlier appears in my Admin Panel whenever I click on "Install Module", but everything is OK concerning the site. For the moment, I'm not trying to install any particular module, so the problem is not coming from there.

As Germ said, it must be some file I uploaded where I shouldn't have. Now, all I gotta do is find it :)

Thanks guys.

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