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Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()


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Hi. A new error (not so new, possibly since I installed Extra Product Fields_).

When accessing price ranges from Shop By Price: http://www.magazinul-copiilor.ro/shop_by_price.php?osCsid=c83c8611603c0d48bc3773574f3d34f9&range=3&osCsid=c83c8611603c0d48bc3773574f3d34f9 I'm getting the following error on top of product listing: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()in /home/magcop/public_html/includes/modules/product_listing.php on line 118


The lines around 118, beggining with 116 are:


// begin extra product fields

$extra = '';

foreach ($epf as $e) {

if ($e['listing']) {

$mt = ($e['uses_list'] ? ($listing[$e['field']] == 0) : !tep_not_null($listing[$e['field']]));

if (!$mt) { // only list fields that aren't empty

$extra .= '<br><b>' . $e['label'] . ': </b>';

if ($e['uses_list']) {

$extra .= tep_get_extra_field_list_value($listing[$e['field']],$e['show_chain'] == 1);

} else {

$extra .= $listing[$e['field']];





// end extra product fields


I tried a solution I found, adding an extra & here: ($epf as $e). It becomes ($epf as &$e) but it doesn't seem to work. Could some one help?


Thank you so much!

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|Thank you. Hopefully, somebody will find an answer, I rather like Extra Fields contrib... I could live with this error, but it's quite unprofessional looking...

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It's not a matter of living with it, the contribution does not function on the product_info.php with the error. As you can see, I made several code edits to correct the error, and after correcting that error, another error will appear and then another and another........unfortunately, it does not function as coded.


Perhaps a prior version may work ? I never tried them all.





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