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Error on checkout.php #127 when using money order


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I fix MOST of my OSC issues myself, but I don't know what this error is this time. A customer tried to place an order and he got this error.


Fatal error: Call to a member function call_api() on a non-object in /home3/lextech/public_html/osCommerce/checkout_process.php on line 127


So I went in and found


$checkout_result = $buysafe_module->call_api('SetShoppingCartCheckout', $checkout_params);


and I have no idea what to do with it. If it were a syntax error I think I'd see it, so it's a configuration error I don't know how to fix.


Any help? Here's an overall shot with the error line 17 right in the middle.





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my current fix was to eliminate from line 124 to 136. no more error, taking the buysafe out of the php on those lines.



// {{ buySAFE Module
 $buysafe_cart_id = MODULE_BUYSAFE_BUYSAFE_CART_PREFIX . '-' . tep_session_id() . (tep_count_customer_orders()-1);
 $checkout_params = array('WantsBond' => ($WantsBond ? $WantsBond : 'false'), 'orders_id' => $insert_id, 'buysafe_cart_id' => $buysafe_cart_id);
 $checkout_result = $buysafe_module->call_api('SetShoppingCartCheckout', $checkout_params);
 if (is_array($checkout_result) && $checkout_result['IsBuySafeEnabled'] == 'true')
   $update_data_array = array('buysafe_cart_id' => $buysafe_cart_id,
                              'buysafe_client_ip' => tep_get_ip_address(),
                              'buysafe_session_id' => tep_session_id());
   tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS, $update_data_array, 'update', "orders_id = '" . (int)$insert_id . "'");
// }}  


Got a better way?


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