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Index page tags not working.


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I've installed header tags and the result works fine in the products for example: Product 1 - Antiquities - Edinburgh Antiques


however i cannot get the title, meta description or the keywords to work on the index.php


The main problem seems to be that each page pulls the header information from header_includes.php which means i canot specify a separate title or meta details for the index.php.


If i remove the information from the header_includes.php then the index.php title and meta details work. is there a way round this? I've tried lots of variations but cant get both working.hope this makes sense if not please ask.


also one other problem in the admin, when i go to header tags seo in admin i get the below message:

Warning: call_user_func(header_tags_reset_cache) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /homepages/37/d328612898/htdocs/edinburgh_antiques/shopcms/includes/functions/general.php on line 1195



any help much appriecated.

Edited by blackbudget
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