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The e-commerce.

I screwed up, and didn't check, HELP!


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I think I'm in a heap of trouble and I'm not a programmer.


I bought a template recently with OS Commerce shopping cart attached. Set up the site loaded the cart etc. with everything, then noticed that it is

missing a couple of things if not more as I get into it, so I look into what I can do. So what do I find, the version is way behind, I have 2.2.

and missing at least 2 modules that are needed. Free shipping on any item or items, and the ability to use coupon codes, and more no doubt.

HELP! what do I do so I don't lose everything that is done in the cart?



[email protected]


Mark G Roberts

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You can update your store to the latest version by downloading RC2a and following the upgrade instructions. Once that is done, you can download and install the following contributions:


Free Shipping


Discount Coupon Codes



If you don't feel you can accomplish the above tasks, seek paid help.




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You can update your store to the latest version by downloading RC2a and following the upgrade instructions. Once that is done, you can download and install the following contributions:


Free Shipping


Discount Coupon Codes



If you don't feel you can accomplish the above tasks, seek paid help.





Mark G Roberts

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