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wysiwyg editor on product description


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Hi i have a problem at product description. i have enable the WYSIWYG Editor 1.7, but when i want insert a image at product description the popup dont display my images on my server.




when i try to crate a new folder i can't and send me this alert.




same issue when i try upload a image..




any idea??



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I can't read the dialog box message, not even when I enlarge the image. Could you post it as text?


I generally think it's a bad idea to use images or other complex code in product descriptions. But everyone has a right to his own opinion... so i'll try to help ;-)

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Hi Dirk, sorry for the images, the first dialog box message is when i try to create a new folder, saids "folder 'foldername' could not be created" and the second is when i try to upload a new image, saids "file 'filename' could not be created".


Thanks a lot.



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Hello Luis,


Looks like the WYSIWYG-editor is trying to save the files where it has no permission to do so. Are you able to select the target directory? Try the standard [server Root Path]/catalog/images/, if that doesn't work, check the permissions on that dir. Watch out not to open the door too much, or hackers will force themselves in...

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Hi Jim, the editor come from oscommerce website and i have good news!!


Problem solved!!!


i change that on config.inc.php on admin/htmlarea/popups/




for this




Thanks for help everyone. :)

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