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updating checkout_success.php


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I changed my checkout_success.php to


$Id: checkout_success.php,v 1.48 2003/02/17 11:51:16




$Id: checkout_success.php,v 1.43 2002/11/23 02:29:38



it seems to work fine, does anybody know if doing this is going to cause me a problem somewhere that I don't see?

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Do you have the comment fields in the right database?


I would make sure all the checkout files are current and up to date as well as the /include/classes ... as those are used by them.


But then, that leads to the /include/functions ... and the /include/modules ...


Ummm ... you sure you don't want to just bring everyone current?


Granted jumping from Nov 23 to now would not be a whole lot of fun, unless you have been updating your files since then.


Peek over at:



To see the changes to the checkout_success.php as well as the other files since you last did any updates.


They are pretty significant and there are database changes as well.

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It didn't help my problem anyway... Oh well.


I'm trying to insert this code in there. This code is supposed to work with the 1.47 version.


<?php echo '<img src="https://www.clixgalore.com/AdvPSale.asp?AdID=1345&SV=' .substr($orders_total['subtotal'],0 , -2) . '&OID=' .$orders['orders_id'] . '" height="0" width="0" border="0">' .


and I keep getting a parse error. Is this because the database of the november cart doesn't match up with this?

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A parse error isn't becuase of your database. It is a syntax error on your part. You might post the code a few lines above and below the code you are trying to edit. Maybe we could spot your error.



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  • 1 year later...

I'm running into the same thing now. I've decided to experiemnt with clixGalore's Affilliate Network. Like all affilliate programs, they require you to add some code to the 'checkout_success.php' page.


<!--begin clixGalore code copyright 2003 -->


src="https://www.clixGalore.com/AdvTransaction.aspx?AdID=1761&SV=SALE_AMOUNT_HERE&OID=AN_ORDER_ID" height="0" width="0" border="0">

<!--end clixGalore code -->


We're supposed to replace "SALE_AMOU?NT_HERE" with a sales total variable, and "AN_ORDER_ID" with an order ID variable. There are a couple of other postings on the forums about implementing the clixGalore code, but none have quite answered the problem.


I've been experimenting with it myself, but can't quite get it. I added the following code and it broke the page completely.


Lines 40 - 58...

/* if ($global['global_product_notifications'] != 
'1') { ... removed to add clixGalore code below 
... */
$orders_query = tep_db_query("select orders_id 
from " . TABLE_ORDERS . " where customers_id = '" . 
(int)$customer_id . "' order by date_purchased desc 
limit 1");
$orders = tep_db_fetch_array($orders_query);

/* ... BEGIN clixGalore code ... */

? ?$orders_total_query = tep_db_query("select value 
as subtotal, orders_id from " . TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL . 
" where orders_id = '" . $orders['orders_id'] . "' 
AND class = 'ot_subtotal'");

? ?$orders_total = 

/* ... END clixGalore code ... */

$products_array = array();
$products_query = tep_db_query("select 
products_id, products_name from " . 
TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS . " where orders_id = '" . 
(int)$orders['orders_id'] . "' order by 
while ($products = 
tep_db_fetch_array($products_query)) {
$products_array[] = array('id' => 
'text' => 

/* } ... removed to add clixGalore code 
above ... */

AND Lines 167 - 173...


<!--begin clixGalore code, copyright 2004 -->
<img src="https://www.clixGalore.com/
AdvTransaction.aspx?AdID=2853&SV==<?php echo 
substr($orders_total['subtotal'],0 , -2); ?>&OID=<?
php echo $orders['orders_id']; ?>" height="0" 
width="0" border="0">
<!--end clixGalore code -->



Anyway, would definitely appreciate any help or direction. I'm still fighting through this one!




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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a note to follow up... I'd never purposely slander any person or company, so I will just offer a kind warning. Make sure you check these places out thoroughly before you put your credit card number down; in particular, make sure you can contact the company and that the company will respond.


Unfortunately I've been burned no this one...

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