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[Addon} Theme Switcher


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No, it's just more spam. The Addons area is nearly useless due to the amount of spam being added these days. I reported it, but I have little hope that anything will be done.


I've locked the Addon so I'm the only one who can update it. I'll go lock the rest of my Addons as soon as I can. It's a shame that I have to do this, but it now appears necessary.




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Yeah, you better lock them that is what I do too. Otherwise you'll have people uploading all kinds of crap.

I wish they would give you more administrative features like edit dscription and title or maybe be able to delete packages that are not appropriate.

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Instructions for creating and downloading themes are in the Theme Switcher manual, included in the download. The "design it on your store" feature is no longer supported by Themeroller. Unfortunately I can't edit that description to remove the obsolete part.




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  • 2 months later...

Trying to install Theme Switcher on a fresh install of OSC 2.3.4.


Been working on this since this past Sunday. I'm just not getting it.

I have the error, The theme CSS file is the wrong version or missing!


Checking the users manual in the troubleshooting section, 4.3 Theme Doesn't Show in Theme Switcher, I copied the themes to catalog/ext/jquery/ui


Went back to section 3.2,


The selected version of the theme was found. This tells you that the version of your theme
matches the version of your jQuery UI file. If you see The theme CSS file is the wrong
version or missing! instead, you probably updated the jQuery UI file without updating the
theme. Go check that again.


In the Theme Switcher package, there are two directories, Boostrap and OsCommerce 2.3.x. I used the files from the 2.3.x directory. The files in Boostrap, break things.


Not sure what I'm doing wrong.



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You didn't say which version of osCommerce you are running, but it sounds like a stock 2.3.x version. For that version, just follow the instructions in the manual. You will need to rename the JQueryUI file or the theme file so that they have the same version number. It doesn't really matter which number you use as long as they are the same. Then enter that number in the JQueryUI box in the Theme Switcher setup menu.


JQueryUI versions later than 10 are not supported by osCommerce. You would need to modify the code to use the new versions, or stick with an older version. I don't know if themes generated for the newer versions will work with the older code. You could try it and find out.


If you are just starting out, I suggest that you dump your install and replace it with the new Responsive build. The support is much better, and you have an upgrade path to the new version of osCommerce when it is released.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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You didn't say which version of osCommerce you are running, but it sounds like a stock 2.3.x version. For that version, just follow the instructions in the manual. You will need to rename the JQueryUI file or the theme file so that they have the same version number. It doesn't really matter which number you use as long as they are the same. Then enter that number in the JQueryUI box in the Theme Switcher setup menu.


JQueryUI versions later than 10 are not supported by osCommerce. You would need to modify the code to use the new versions, or stick with an older version. I don't know if themes generated for the newer versions will work with the older code. You could try it and find out.


If you are just starting out, I suggest that you dump your install and replace it with the new Responsive build. The support is much better, and you have an upgrade path to the new version of osCommerce when it is released.






Not sure if this is a reply to my post, but I am using the most current version of osCommerce (2.3.4) and the Theme Switcher released in July 2016. What is the Responsive build?


Been running rc2a for years. Time for a fresh look.

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@@edukes  Yes I was replying to you. osCommerce 2.3.4 is pretty old now, and the 2.4 release is supposed to happen fairly soon. If you really want the latest look and feel, go with one of the 2.3.4R (Bootstrap) releases until 2.4 is ready. Gold is the safest but lacks some of the cutting-edge features; edge is the latest but may be unstable. Your choice.


There are no version issues with Bootstrap themes like there are with JQueryUI themes.




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@@edukes  Yes I was replying to you. osCommerce 2.3.4 is pretty old now, and the 2.4 release is supposed to happen fairly soon. If you really want the latest look and feel, go with one of the 2.3.4R (Bootstrap) releases until 2.4 is ready. Gold is the safest but lacks some of the cutting-edge features; edge is the latest but may be unstable. Your choice.


There are no version issues with Bootstrap themes like there are with JQueryUI themes.




Thanks, Jim!


I'm just trying to stay of the game this time.


A few year back when my hosting company changed the version php, it took weeks to straighten out all those deprecated functions on a heavily modified shop. This time, I want to keep it simple.


When they change to php 5.4x, it will break my shop again. I have a Centos 7 VM with php 5.4 running here at the house on my server and testing opencart, but I don't really like it.


Thanks, again!!

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I'm encountering a strange problem with this addon. As soon as I move the




the right column disappears in the install modules menu and it won't show all modules.





Edit: It's on a Ubuntu server with Apache 2.4.18.

Edited by itg16
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  • 1 month later...

Hi there, im new to oscommerce, i downloaded the file and once extracted it created a Bootstrap folder. i used rsync to move catalog folder to the oscommerce catalog folder, then i installed the module.


Now all the themes change the background colour but its just a coloured page with no navigation or products etc.

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David: Go to the module install page in your Admin and click on Header Tags, then Theme Switcher. Are there any red warning messages in the right column?




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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No all green ticks


I thought maybe the version was a problem so I updated to the latest osCommerce but issue didn't change so I rolled back to 2.3.3


Same thing , the background colour changes for the theme but it wipes all the pages functions so it's just blank

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The current version of osCommerce does not have an error log, but version 2.4 will. For the current version you need to use your host's error log.




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There should be a PHP error log somewhere. It's often in the site root, but can be anywhere. If you have access to the php.ini file, or can create your own, the location of the error log is set there. You should also check whether the PHP log is enabled in the php.ini, and turn it on it if it's not.




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Not Found

The requested URL /catalog/admin/HTTPS_SERVERDIR_WS_HTTPS_ADMINmodules.php was not found on this server.

Apache/2.2.31 (Debian) Server at Port 7556

-- this is the error i get now,

after seeing i was in the old oscommerce 2.3.3 i updated 1 at a time testing the new module on each version eventually at 2.34 it displays the store again but the themes are incorrectly loaded, when i investigate the header tag it gives me this error

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You are missing the defines for HTTPS_SERVER and DIR_WS_HTTPS_ADMIN. These constants are defined in your /admin/includes.configure.php. The first one is in every version of osC back to 2.2; the second is a more recent addition. It appears that your configure file is corrupt.


You can try reinstalling the latest version, or you can patch the file by hand. The osCommerce package contains a blank file that you can use for comparison.You should use the 2.3.4 version or the Gold Responsive version, as the Edge version may be incomplete.




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  • 1 month later...

How important or necessary is it to update jquery and jqueryui?


My ui is at 1.10.4

My jquery is at 1.11.1



The jquery site shows the current is at 3.1.1


This is a stock 2.3.4 with almost no add-ons yet. Adding a new Theme that I created presented no problems, but it is huge, comparatively. What options need to be check on the packager and what can we safely uncheck?




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@@mdtaylorlrim  Your theme needs to be based on the same version of jQuery as your store is using, or at least fairly close. Too much of a difference in versions may mean that certain functions don't work correctly. There is also no guarantee that newer versions of jQuery will work correctly with the remaining osCommerce code. Check thoroughly to be certain that everything is working.


The options that you need from the jQuery package depend on what osCommerce uses. The core osCommerce code uses only the most basic options, but some Addons use much more. Again, test to see if you've removed something essential, and only remove sections after you have all of your Addons installed.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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