Guest Posted March 7, 2003 Posted March 7, 2003 Hi everybody... I've just recently started getting this error message: *********************************************************** 1226 - User 'crashbrujo' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 36000) select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration [TEP STOP] *********************************************************** Does this look familiar to anyone? Is there a ready fix? Also, does any know of any osCommerce 'hack' forums similar to those for ikonBoard? (For when I get it to work, of course!)
toolcrazy Posted March 7, 2003 Posted March 7, 2003 Contact your provider with the error message. Sound like to me it is a server config error. Steve -------------------------
Guest Posted March 7, 2003 Posted March 7, 2003 OK...well what about this? Every time I use my online oscommerce store, my IE 6.0 crashes. I can't view that or other websites and I get the 'server not found' error. I have to disconnect and reconnect and it'll work fine again. What's that about? Other people say they haven't seen this problem, but their experience with my store generally includes a cursory glance of the front page no detailed page views. It's just a demo store in development. Any ideas or suggestions? here it is: Thanks!
toolcrazy Posted March 8, 2003 Posted March 8, 2003 I don't know the reason behind your troubles, it is not OSC. I have no problem navagating your site in IE. But, if you are having these problems with other sites, I don't think it is the sites, I think it has something to do with your computer or your service provider. Or even maybe your copy of IE. I do have one suggestion though, you need to make your logo smaller. It pushes your banner add way off to the right. Steve -------------------------
Guest Posted March 8, 2003 Posted March 8, 2003 Whoop! :oops: Tragic design flaw...I made it that way!!! :shock: The only thing that makes me worry that it might be my computer is that I went and DLed Opera and used it and got the same problem... Must be the PC, right...? PS: Don't buy my cat!
toolcrazy Posted March 8, 2003 Posted March 8, 2003 Whoop! :oops: Tragic design flaw...I made it that way!!! :shock: The only thing that makes me worry that it might be my computer is that I went and DLed Opera and used it and got the same problem... Must be the PC, right...? PS: Don't buy my cat! My first thought was the modem. It may be corrupting packets. This would be the first thing I would check or even replace. It's cheap enough. Buy your CAT:shock:Naww! I've got a dog, and he wouldn't like me bringing home a cat. Steve -------------------------
Guest Posted March 8, 2003 Posted March 8, 2003 That's what I was wondering. Being's osCommerce is so PHP intensive, does that have any effect on what's happening? Or does communicating with the mySQL server disrupt my modem in some way?! I'm sure I don't know. I'm going to have to go to a friend's house and just beat the living daylights out of that store with his browser...( page transfers, cancelling page loads, switching links before a page load...the works) and see what happens. Is there a place that's providing osCommerce 'Hacks' yet? Programming hacks to add new features or change existing ones? I know we have a start here, but I also run an ikonBoard, and you should see the communities that have sprung up to hack that! And it works well!
Deskdirect Posted March 10, 2003 Posted March 10, 2003 I checked my store this afternoon after a complaint from a customer with that same <b>"exceeded the 'max_questions' resource""</b>. The customer noted that the error showed up during her checkout and "instead of my store name showing up <b>"Make Payable To: MODULE_PAYMENT_MONEYORDER_PAYTO"</b> showed. I'd be real interested in if or how the problem was solved. Thanks, Annette
Guest Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 For some reason I went away for a while and came back and it was fine again.... spooky... :twisted:
toolcrazy Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 I checked my store this afternoon after a complaint from a customer with that same <b>"exceeded the 'max_questions' resource""</b>. The customer noted that the error showed up during her checkout and "instead of my store name showing up <b>"Make Payable To: MODULE_PAYMENT_MONEYORDER_PAYTO"</b> showed. I'd be real interested in if or how the problem was solved. Thanks, Annette Where are you storing your session files. In mySQL or in a tmp file. If you are storing them in a tmp file, you might try and move them to the database. Steve -------------------------
toolcrazy Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 For some reason I went away for a while and came back and it was fine again.... spooky... :twisted: You might try my suggestion above also. I too have had weird error messages on my site, move sessions to the database and they went away. Steve -------------------------
Deskdirect Posted March 11, 2003 Posted March 11, 2003 Found the problem.The message from my host is below With thousands of MySQL users, we now have to set limits per user to avoid one user hogging up system resources or bringing down the MySQL server. By setting these limits, MySQL will run more efficient with little to no downtime. These limits are: 3 Users 36,000 queries per hour per user NO limitations on updates/inserts 3,600 connections per hour per user The rest of the message states in not so many words...... If you don't like it take you business elsewhere!
pinosilecchia Posted October 11, 2003 Posted October 11, 2003 I spoke to the provider he said it was a code eror
Guest Posted February 2, 2006 Posted February 2, 2006 What kind of 'code error' manifests itself all-of-a-sudden, in the middle of an admin operation? Hopw would I have corrupted the codde of my store by deleting categories through admin?
kgt Posted February 2, 2006 Posted February 2, 2006 I spoke to the provider he said it was a code eror This is NOT a code error. Your host's Database Administrator has set a limit to the number of queries certain users may perform in an hour. If you reach this limit, your site will be down for the remaining part of the hour. Contributions Discount Coupon Codes Donations
Guest Posted February 17, 2006 Posted February 17, 2006 Try to distribute your database queries into multiple users. If you are allowed to create 3 users in your database administratration panel, create 3 users using the same password. Then find the osCommerce file: includes/configuration.php Change the line define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', 'yourusername'); to $DB_SERVER_USERNAME_group[] = "yourusername1"; $DB_SERVER_USERNAME_group[] = "yourusername2"; $DB_SERVER_USERNAME_group[] = "yourusername3"; define('DB_SERVER_USERNAME', $DB_SERVER_USERNAME_group[ rand( 0, (sizeof($DB_SERVER_USERNAME_group)-1) ) ]); This way, you'll be able to tripple your maximum limit.
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