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Order modules doesn't work..


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I'm missing order_total/ot_loworderfee.php and order_total/ot_subtotal.php and the rest of order_total..


Thats what I get informed in Admin when I click om Modules..


Any body knows what I have to do??

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Sometimes it takes more than an hour for people to see your message let alone answer it ... :shock:


Patience is a virtue ... :D


Can you see your Shipping and Payment modules?

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Yes, I understand that, but I sew some other questions were answered.. thats why I tryed again.. :oops:


Everything in admin/moduls are errors, exept form one module I downloaded.. I have one more problem cause price doesnt come up in the shop.. :roll:

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Please do not bump the messages ... people see them and will answer when they have time or know the answers ... thanks. :shock:


Check and see in your /includes/configure.php files if you are referencing the paths with $DOCUMENT_ROOT


If you are, change this to the real path, example:

  define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/home/mylinkto/public_html');

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Welll exuce me, but untill I did nobody answered.. I have serched for the answer everywhere and seen a lot of other messeges that was left un answered.. And when the pages get far behinde they often gets forgotten.. Belive me I know.. 8)


So maybe the should be more moderators here? Or maby som newones should start so that you old moderators get someone to answer the questions that you are fedup with answering again and again.. :(


I am a total newbe and I have serched for a newbe install guide, but did nok find one..


This is what it sais on the configure.php


define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', $DOCUMENT_ROOT); // where your pages are located on the server. if $DOCUMENT_ROOT doesnt suit you, replace with your local path. (eg, /usr/local/apache/htdocs)



I am so afraid of ruining enything.. And I dont know what to put where..


Please help me.. please... :oops:

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If you are, change this to the real path, example:

  define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/home/mylinkto/public_html');


What do I set where it says /mylinkto/ what is public_html , where is it? and where should I hav it?


Im really sorry for making som much noise here, but I wreally want to get my shop up and working today.. :cry:

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