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[Addon} Modular Front Page


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Hi everyone


I have installed the lastest Oscommerce bootstrap-3-in-2334-responsive-from-the-get-go and now added the modular front page 1.2.

I can get all the modules to show up on the frontpage, but when installing the main text module, there is no box, where i can input text, anyone else have this problem or know what is wrong?


Any help appreciated.

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It sounds like you entered some text without escaping the single quotes/apostrophes. I should put a warning about this in the manual.


To fix this, uninstall the module and then install it again. This time, put three backslashes in front of any apostrophes. They should look like this: \\\'




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I seem to have misunderstood your question. Let's try again:


Text is entered in the language file for the front page. So open this file in your text editor (NOT a word processor)



Now find this code:

define('TEXT_MAIN', '');

Enter your text between the last set of single quotes, like this:

define('TEXT_MAIN', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.');

The bit about escaping the single quotes/apostrophes is still valid, so watch out for that.




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Ok the text gets on the frontpage, when editing the language file index.php, but i thought there would be a box in the admin, where you could put the text you want to have on the frontpage, so you didn't have to edit the language file?

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The bottom part of index.php should look like this:

  } else { // default page

    // Start Modular Front Page
    echo $oscTemplate->getContent('front_page');
    // End Modular Front Page


  require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'template_bottom.php');
  require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'application_bottom.php');

Apparenly the comments were left out. I'll go fix that and release a new version.


Thanks for the bug report.




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Great work on this add-on Jim. Well done.


But just on that bit of code above, I found that it needs to be wrapped in a class="row" div as per below (similar to the product_info module call):

  } else { // default page

<div class="row">

    echo $oscTemplate->getContent('front_page');



  require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'template_bottom.php');
  require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'application_bottom.php');

Reason is, I discovered that when resizing the window on a desktop to around tablet size that the front page gets screwed up, see sample images attached. 1st image is without <div class="row"> 2nd image is with it.


In that case the <div class="contentContainer"> inside the module templates isn't required, but doesn't seem to cause any ill effect anyway.


I tested this in IE, Chrome and Firefox and all the same results.





Edited by auzStar

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@@auzStar  Good catch. Apparently the optional width code that I added was messing up the mid-size/tablet display. And looking at the footer modules that use similar code, apparently the way to solve this is to wrap the whole mess in a "row" class. Which you did.


Apparently I need to do more testing. Anyway, thanks for catching my error, and more thanks for pointing out the correct solution. I'll package all of this up and put out a new release to fix the bug.




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Fixed a bug in the Responsive version affecting the display in mid-size (tablet) monitors. All credit goes to @@auzStar for finding the bug and providing the fix.


I also updated the manual to match the latest code, not to mention fixing some errors.


Anyone who has the previous version of this needs to upgrade. Fix or replace the index.php for a minimal solution. You can also replace the modules if you want.




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Hi Jim. First af all, many,many thanks for your addons, reaally great! Now I'm testing on a 2.3.4 BS gold this addon and some of its modules. Everything goes like a charm, but also I have some little troubles.


Banner Rotator Content Module (BS)

Works fine with images, but it seems it didn't accept html code. I have ckeditor installed, and it works well with other addons in boxes etc. 

Ie. it shows <h3><strong><span style="color:#FF0000">GAZPACHO FLAVOUR</span></strong></h3> Instead of "Gazpacho Flavour, as expected.


Featured Products Content Module (BS) (12 feb 2016)

It doesn't appear in the list fo modules to be installed... (Admin>Modules>content) ¿?

Sorry, I'm not a coder. Anyway, I'll try to do some guesses and testings. If I find a solution, I'll put it here.

New Products

A suggestion, if somebody is interested in making its title clickable.
In its template (templates/
cm_fp_new_products.php), just change in line 16

    <h3><?php echo sprintf(TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS, strftime('%B')); ?></h3>

With this:

    <h3><a href="<?php echo tep_href_link('products_new.php'); ?>"><?php echo TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS; ?></h3>

I think that besides the possible benefits in SEO because of internal links, also makes it easier for mobile/tablets user.




Again, thanks for this, Jim.

Shopowner, not coder, experienced copypaster  :D

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@@TITO4  The osCommerce banner manager uses the text as a name/alt text for the image, not as a alternative to the image (the way the product images work). This means that HTML is not allowed in the text. It would be possible to implement that, but it would require changes to the Banner Manager code.


The Featured Products module works on my test store. Check that you have all of the files in the correct places. If it still doesn't work, check your error log for possible error messages.


New Products should probably be linked to the New Products page. That's a good idea. I'll add that to the master. Thanks for the idea and the code.




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Thanks @@kymation


Regardin Rotator Banner, I've also installed Multi Sidebox Banners, and I don't know how, but it does it. I've modified it for BS, and aftermore testings, I'll upload it soon. (I've tried to put here a picture of it, but I don't know how...).
I'll try again with your Featured module to see what happens. 
And yes, Ithink it is a good idea to have links in any box, always thinking on customer's usability side. More clicks, more time spent in your web, etc. besides a better SEO probably can become more sellings.




Shopowner, not coder, experienced copypaster  :D

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i just posted this into another topic, made me wonder if there could/would be room in your busy schedule for a modular (top level) categories page ?



I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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@@TITO4  That addon uses the stock osCommerce functions to cal the banner, and it contains no modifications to the Banner Manager, so it should produce the exact same result as the Banner Rotator Content Module. I seem to be missing your point. Please explain.


@@bruyndoncx  See the Categories Images Content Module below.




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yes, i know the front page module to show top level categories, but one of the points made is that the top level category should/could have some of the functionality you typically find on the home page, and thus I was thining it would be nice if the top level category also was modular


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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Oh, sorry, Jim, I don't want to disturb you at all. In fact, as you said it is not an important feature. I don't know how to upload here an image, so I have put it in my dropbox.




As you'll see in the screenshot, using Sidebox, it reflects any html in its result, but it is not the case with Banner rotator. Of course, the main purpose and use of banners are using images. So, why my interest in texts? Some ideas and suggestions:
· Google bots reads very well text. It can helps you with SEO
· It can make a difference with other competitors, that use images in banners.
· Use other selling tecniques, or more possibilities. I.e. in a series ot three banners, you can use first banner for "Atraction", a second for arousing "Interest", and a third as "Call to Action" (Buy this!! Now!!)  :D We the people have as much curiosity as a cat, and we can use it in our favour.


Again, nothing important, just some ideas. (and of course you can do the same with pictures and images). I'll do some comparisons and trying. If I find a solution, I'll let you know.

Regards, and again, many thanks!

Shopowner, not coder, experienced copypaster  :D

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@@TITO4  Your #3 is the correct behaviour for stock osCommerce. The Banner Manager was not designed to show HTML. I believe that there is an addon that modifies the Banner Manage to do what you want. Combine that with the banner rotator, and possibly some additional modifications, and it would work.




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yes, i know the front page module to show top level categories, but one of the points made is that the top level category should/could have some of the functionality you typically find on the home page, and thus I was thining it would be nice if the top level category also was modular


Are you talking about sub-modules? What kind of additional functionality is needed? Sorry, I'm having trouble understanding this.








I think what Carine is saying is that there should be "modular categories" modules (for top level categories i.e. one category level down for example "DVD Movies") similar to the "modular front page" modules which only show on the front page.


I recently created one (currently a stand alone "Category New Products Carousel") content module to go in the top level categories (and can be used to go on the front page as well as the products sub-categories) to replace the "New Products" module, using this folder structure "modules/content/category". That's a start. :)



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@@bruyndoncx @@auzStar  Ah, I see what you mean now. Sorry I was being a bit dense.


You could adapt the Catergories Images module to work on a category page with very little work. The interesting part comes when you have both products and subcategories on that page, or some categories have subcategories and some have only products. That takes more modules. Or at least one more.




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Agree, and how far do you go?


It's more to do with the categories that fall under "nested" or "top level" i.e. a category with no products but has sub-categories with products, where the "Sub-Categories" and "New Products" for those sub-categories are currently shown. Normally a category with sub-categories wouldn't also contain products within that category, well normally :lol:.


I think the idea is that where you show products store wide on the front page for "New Products", "Upcoming Products", "Featured Products" etc. that it would be display the same within a category but targeted to that category. Perhaps that's what she's referring to, especially now that the preference is to do away with products on the front page. But, how far do you go?


If we're heading down the path of modularity, then it makes sense, and makes a lot of work :-.



Edited by auzStar

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I have client stores that have both products and subcategories in one category. Sometimes it makes sense to do it that way.


I built a set of modules for one client that would handle this. There was a subcategory module and a product module, so whatever was in a category would show up. Those modules were coded to osC 2.3.1, so obviously a bit of work to update to current standards, but it could be done.




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