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[Addon} Modular Front Page


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Jim - I sorted it. No idea why it would show up on who's online, but simply put, "/ext/modules/front_page/flex_slider/images/bg_direction_nav.png" was missing. the (folder and image were missing)


I had updated to the latest flexslider. noticed that the error was changed, and put 2 and 2 together. The newest version has two subfolders that need to be uploaded:




Hope that helps others.


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Would this be the correct place to ask if anyone can offer any help on removing the thin back border I have appearing around my scrolling display?

Very much appreciate any help/advice/anything.

Thank you.

**do forgive me, I am new here and have yet to learn the special protocols for asking questions. I'm sure I will get the hang of the ways of things.**

Edited by steveinbaz
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Yes, it's always proper to ask where everyone can benefit from the answer. That's what the forum is for.


For changes to the appearance of any part of a page, start by installing Firebug in Firefox. Then point the mouse at the element in question (your scroller's border), right click, and select Inspect Element with Firebug. If you get this right, there will be a list of styles in the right pane of Firebug, one of them being

border: 1px solid #000;

Firebug tells me that code is in index.php, which means it's embedded in the module. So open up includes/modules/front_page/fp_scroller.php and find this line:

        $header .= '  border: 1px solid #000;' . "\n";

Now you can replace that with whatever you want. For no border, try this:

        $header .= '  border: none;' . "\n";

or just comment out the whole line.


You can change anything you want, but some changes might interfere with the operation of the scroller. I recommend changing only one thing at a time, then test your change to make sure everything still works before doing anything else.




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Hi Jim,

Thank you so much for that very detailed reply. I did download Firebug, nice tip thanks.. and I succeeded at the mission. 
You're so right.. Knowing next to nothing I always alter slowly, save and change and invariably change back a few times.. one step at a time.

Thanks again, I really love this module :)

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You're welcome. Feel free to ask questions here if there's something you don't understand. Just be prepared for me to go into teaching mode.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, you can use HTML/CSS to change the font color. In CKEditor, look for the Text Color icon to the right of the Size pulldown.




Hi Jim,

That's exactly how I've been doing it, but it doesn't work for me. Looks okay until I click the "Save" button. Maybe it's something within CKEditor. Guess I'll poke around that website for a while.

Thanks again.

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CKEditor may be doing something wrong. Click the Source icon and take a look at the code it's creating, then look at the source of the page the text is on. Are they the same?

See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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When I click the source button, it shows the formatting. When I unclick the source button, the html becomes visible on the page. I have to delete it after that.


For example, if I highlight a few words and change the font color to red, then click the source button, I see this for the words that I changed to red: <span style='"color: rgb(255, );' 0,="" 0)\\\"="">.


After I unclick the source button, it stays there, visible on the web page. Then I have to go back and remove it. Hope you are understanding what I'm trying to say.


Thanks for the quick replies.

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The first part of that code is right, then it goes crazy. It's definitely not working right. Maybe a version conflict with jQuery and CKEditor? I've never seen it mess up like that.


Try changing the part you showed to <span style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"> while in source mode.




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  • 2 weeks later...

You can change the code to fix the image size. Find this line in includes/modules/front_page/scroller.php:


 $body_text .= ' <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $products_data['products_id']) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $products_data['products_image'], $products_data['products_name'], SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, ' style="padding: 0 ' . MODULE_FRONT_PAGE_SCROLLER_IMAGE_PADDING . 'px;" width="100%"') . '</a>';


Change the SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH or SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT to the number you want. I recommend that you change only one, and replace the other with '' (two single quotes) to avoid distorting the images.







I don't know if you're still kicking around on the forums, I hope so since I have a problem xD...


I want to change the height of the scroller, so it will allow my images that I have designed with 420px height. Problem is, I have currently installed the slider, and it looks like this http://puu.sh/g6NEt/04cb3d5974.jpg


Point being, the scroller isn't tall enough to allow for the full image to be displayed, resulting in it only showing a small segment of the image. I've tried changing the SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT in the fp_scroller.php file, but this does not change anything.




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They haven't kicked me out yet. B)


You can set the height of the Scroller module in the Admin settings for that module.







Oops sorry, I'm using a banner rotator, not a scroller. There don't seem to be any options in the Admin settings to change the height http://puu.sh/g7I2k/22d4bf3048.png




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The banner dimensions are in /ext/modules/front_page/banner_rotator/stylesheet.css (two places). This is mentioned in section A1 of the User's Manual.




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  • 1 month later...

The flex slider is designed to use the HTML text from the Banner Manager as the alt/title text. Did you want to change that to something else?




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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ic now.. I have a simple 4 image rotation running.... nothing in the html boxes, so no img alt's.

If I add some plain text to the html box, the images now have img alt's... but the text also displays below the image, which I don't want.


So then - how to have the img alt's but not have the text display below the image?


commenting out this line seems to do it

//            if ($banner['banners_html_text'] != '') $body_text .= '<div class="announcement">'.$banner['banners_html_text'] .'</div>'. PHP_EOL;

if that's not appropriate let me know - thx for the clarification on how that works.


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Nothing wrong with that if that's what you want. Just remember that alt text is used by screen readers, so the result should make sense if there is no image.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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I'm having an issue and don't know how to solve it:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_cfg_pull_down_products() (previously declared in /home/jr/domains/xxx.com/private_html/bl/admin/includes/functions/modules/front_page/addon.php:15) in/home/jr/domains/xxx.com/private_html/bl/admin/includes/functions/modules/front_page/featured.php on line 44


I've installed this module previously with no problem. What did I do wrong? I don't know!


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I'm having an issue and don't know how to solve it:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_cfg_pull_down_products() (previously declared in /home/jr/domains/xxx.com/private_html/bl/admin/includes/functions/modules/front_page/addon.php:15) in/home/jr/domains/xxx.com/private_html/bl/admin/includes/functions/modules/front_page/featured.php on line 44


I've installed this module previously with no problem. What did I do wrong? I don't know!



Did you upload the module file to the language directory?

Contact me for work on updating existing stores - whether to Phoenix or the new osC when it's released.

Looking for a payment or shipping module? Maybe I've already done it.

Working on generalising bespoke solutions for Quickbooks integration, Easify integration and pay4later (DEKO) integration at 2.3.x

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