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ConsolePlus - Feedback/Bug Reports greatly appreciated


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Any feedback (be it good or bad) greatly appreciated, especially any bugs or errors. Now that this is my sole income (mortgage, 2 year old twins, 2 cats etc. to support:)) I find it increasingly harder to spend the time i would like on updating the site, there are several new contributions i would like to install, when i get the time . . .


This site is live, so please do not place test orders. If you wish to login please use: [email protected] / testit


Thanks in advance.




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Nice. If it were me I'd do two things:


1) Put a faint blue line down the right hand side of your box.

2) When the surfer is in the category, I'd like to see the tab (at the top) be a different colour (ie "live")


Other than that, very nice.

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Couple of things I always look for.

Spelling errors. Companies.

Wrong year. 2003


2002 ConsolePlus. All rights reserved.

Sony PlayStation and PlayStation 2 are trademarks of Sony Corporation.

Sega Dreamcast is a trademark of Sega Corporation.

Nintendo GameBoy, GameCube and Nintendo64 are trademarks of Nintendo Corporation.

XBox is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.



ConsolePlus is not affiliated with any of the above compaines in any way.


Apart from that, looks dead on.


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Thanks for the quick feedback :)




Yes i agree there, i did spend some time trying to do a thin line down the right hand side (im assuming this is what your meant?), I intended to put a backgound image for the table, but for some reason i could not get this to work, I will look at this again.


Re. the category tabs, yes that would be nice, i think i need to do some work there as i have simply hard-coded them at present, sorry to ask but is there a contirbution that would enable a rollover image to stay 'on' when in the desired category ?


Jeff1 - thanks for that, will fix right away.






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Yes i agree there, i did spend some time trying to do a thin line down the right hand side (im assuming this is what your meant?)
Yes, exactly, it kinda looks unfinished (though it looks OK on the product pages as they have the other column to "finish" off the page)...


Re. the category tabs, yes that would be nice, i think i need to do some work there as i have simply hard-coded them at present, sorry to ask but is there a contirbution that would enable a rollover image to stay 'on' when in the desired category ?
I don't think there is...but it's a fairly simple hack using php and .css


ps, I used to live in Kingswood, small world, eh?

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That's excellent, well done, I like it a lot. The only thing I noticed was the colour of the text showing what was in your cart on shopping_cart.php. The product title is in yellow on a light gray background and is very difficult to see, and the total price is white on a light grey background, also very difficult to read.


I was looking at the page using IE5.5 on 2000 Pro.


Other than those couple of little things it is excellent work.

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One minor typo:

In the trademarks/etc section of the home page (I also assume this is in the footer.)


ConsolePlus is not affiliated with any of the above compaines in any way.


compaines should be companies


Other wise, this is definately a nice design 8)

The GraphicZoo

check profile for web address

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The yellow links on blue I cannot see on a notebook display: 1600x1200


I think I broke the thing playing with the menus ... the site is hanging for me ... :shock:


Looks good however ... :D

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