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Images gone when using direct path


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I thought when adding images to my descriptions that it would be better to use a driect path to my images file on the server, however, when I do that and then preview the image is gone. I use cpanel5 for my file manager. When I go to the image folder and look at the image it says the file is empty. It also creates a text file with the name of the image yhat is also empty.


Please help very confused :?

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what are you using to upload the files to your server?


it sounds like perhaps the data is getting corrupted in transfer or the file type is set wrong for the ftp transfer.....

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What I am doing is trying to use the images in my images folder ie: /home/~mrsfield/public_html/images as the path for my images. That is what is making them disappear. If I use c:download/osc/images/30264.jpg from my harddrive it works fine. I read somewhere here that it was better to use direct path rather than through the harddrive.

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so is your catalog in the root folder (public_html) or is it folder level down (public_html/catalog/)?


i went to your site and i can see the images on your home page - the left and right columns need to be fixed - black text on a dark blue background does not lend itself to easy readability :wink:


looks like you changed the color in the stylesheet for infobox background

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His path is /public_html/ his catalog is in his root dir. The reason I know this, is I helped him set it up that way. I pm'ed him with a fix or correction for this. I guess he will let us know.



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