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I have read everything at oscdox.com about the design of oscommerce and changing the box colors independently was not a problem, my question is now, do I use the same basic concept in order to make each boxes heading different?

I have a infobox with a blue background and I want a blue heading and I have a box with a gold background and I would like for it to have a gold heading.


any help would be appreciated.



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ummm ... my best guess (with a hunch that I am right) is:


1. pick up the code from that infobox file in /catalog/includes/infoboxes/infobox.php and put it in a table cell with the formatting matching your fancy.


Hope it should work.



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The class for your infobox are: infobox_heading (for header) and infobox_content ( for the content)

Juste create infobox_heading1 and infobox_content1 for another box

infobox_heading2 and infobox_content2 etc ...etc



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I am sorry but your description was a little vague.


I am assuming that what I need to change is in /catalog/includes/classes/boxes.php?


the only thing that I can find on info box headings that looked like it might be what I need was this:


class infoBoxHeading extends tableBox {

function infoBoxHeading($contents, $left_corner = true, $right_corner = true, $right_arrow = false) {

$this->table_cellpadding = '0';


Am I close?

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I still can't figure this out, every thing i try leads to fubar, is there a contrib that allows seperate infobox headings or does someone allready have this code that they could post?


thanks in advance, kirk

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