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Dealer shop - password protected catalog ???


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Hi all


I need to make a 'dealer shop' and password protect it.

In other words, one must 1st enter a password (which he will get from me) in order to access the catalog (this is additional to the normal 'client registration password').


Does anybody now of such a contribution, or has anyone an idea about how to achieve that?


Many many thanks

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Thanks for the suggestions!


However, I would be in favour of using a more user-friendly interface, and not work with .htaccess.


Something of this kind for ex: a log-in box on a normal webpage, where people can enter the id & password to get access to the real catalog.


Maybe did somebody face already a similar situation? :?: Or maybe is there already a contribution to address the issue?



Many thanks

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am working on doing that right now...although my first attempt did not go very well. I need the same thing, its for B2B so users already have their information in the system, they just need to login before seeing anything. Its kinda tough...I want to work with the same DB that the catalog is using...I have been using another DB-table with the same usernames and passwords but that is such a pain.


If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.

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