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configure.php warning


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how to set the permissions? i tried almost everything but it doesn't go away.


Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: D:Serverwebrootwebshopcatalog/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.

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Hi Danny


You need to use an FTP package to set the permissions. If you don't use FTP usually to upload your files, it's worth downloading one in the short term just for the installation process.


It's called CHMODing and you need to set the files to be CHMOD 766 (I believe).


Does this help any??

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Just re-read the post - sorry. Same thing applies but you don't set the CHMOD to 766 as this allows writing. It needs to be something like 555 for example. As long as writing is not permitted, you will be fine.

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