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The e-commerce.

Stupid question: where are the articles?


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Ok, I`m not that bright today but...:

I have a product category "fruits" and several articles in it named banana, apple, cherry, whatever.

When I delete the category "fruits"- where are the articles?

I know, still in the proper database tables - but where can I find them in the admin section?



Jan Gerle


What happens to the files inside a folder if you delete that folder ?

Samething for the articles (files) inside your category fruits (folder)


Well... not only a few things have changed since my last episode with osc.


All products of the removed category have been deleted as well, together with their pictures.


Acting like this without an apropiate confirmation (? la "Hello, I will delete your products as well!") is a highly dangerous behaviour regarding the normal user.


Anyways, thanks for the hint.


Jan Gerle


Actually, there *is* a warning in the admin. when you click delete a category, it says "there are xxx number of products in this category that will be deleted as weel, would you like to continue?"



[no external urls in signatures please, kthanks]


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