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need java help for cvv contribution


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Can someone tell us how to use javascript to do a different digit check if the cc_type is AMEX for the cvv2 contribution?


In the admin there is a minimum and maximum for the cvv numbers.


When you enter 3 as the minimum and 4 as the maximum it will not give an error message if 3 "or" 4 digits are entered regardless of cc_type, just if more or fewer digits are entered.


If you put a 3 digit number in the cvv box for amex it would be ideal if some error message popped up saying it needs to be a 4 digit code...likewise with the 3 digit mc and visa numbers when putting 4 digits in.


At the moment there is nothing in the code that tells it that if the cc_type is

AMEX then the number must be 4 digits or if cc_type is Visa it must be 3



The basic solution is if cc_type=AMEX then CVV !=4 else CVV !=3



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