Guest Posted March 6, 2003 Posted March 6, 2003 Hi, I was wondering if there is a way for the email that is sent upon successful creation of an account to be sent as HTML? Does anyone know if and how to do this. Thanks
paganini Posted March 6, 2003 Posted March 6, 2003 Craig I could be wrong, but isn't this done by going through the admin :panel admin.... configuration..... e-mail options ......Use MIME HTML when sending emails (true)?! As I said I could be very wrong with regard to this. Cheers Todd
JenRed Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 You would think so, but it doesn't fix it for me. Is there anything else you need to do? Jen I haven't lost my mind - I have it backed up on disk somewhere.
orchard Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 How do setup oscommerce to send an email when an account is setup? In olden times the men were made of iron and the ships were made of wood; now it's the other way around. :wink:
babyfryd Posted May 6, 2005 Posted May 6, 2005 Hi I actually have the same problem. Has anyone figured it out yet? I've tried messing a little bit around with the shop/create_account.php around line 232 - see below. I've changed the "$email_text" to "$email_html" and changed the "EMAIL_WELCOME" to html-code, but it doesn't seem to do the trick! :( It just throws away all the tags when I recieve the e-mail. I have set the "Use MIME HTML when sending emails" to "true". // build the message content $name = $firstname . ' ' . $lastname; if (ACCOUNT_GENDER == 'true') { if ($gender == 'm') { $email_text = sprintf(EMAIL_GREET_MR, $lastname); } else { $email_text = sprintf(EMAIL_GREET_MS, $lastname); } } else { $email_text = sprintf(EMAIL_GREET_NONE, $firstname); } $email_text .= EMAIL_WELCOME . EMAIL_TEXT . EMAIL_CONTACT . EMAIL_WARNING; tep_mail($name, $email_address, EMAIL_SUBJECT, $email_text, STORE_OWNER, STORE_OWNER_EMAIL_ADDRESS); tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CREATE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS, '', 'SSL')); } } Can anyone help???? Thanks, Mikael :(
papao_03 Posted March 12, 2008 Posted March 12, 2008 Hi, wanted to do the same thing, basically when a customer signs up, osc would send an email in html. I was wondering if you guys found that out. Really would like to change the whole welcome email thing. Would be great if we could add logos or pictures or stuff. I know there are contribs that would help you create html email from the admin but there is no option to change the welcome email. Hope someone could help
girl Posted March 25, 2008 Posted March 25, 2008 Yes, .me too. I want to add my logo. but do not know what code to add :(
Guest Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 Yes, .me too. I want to add my logo. but do not know what code to add :( There a contributions to do this, the latest is Ultimate Html Emails V1.1 that is supported by its author.
girl Posted April 2, 2008 Posted April 2, 2008 Unfortunately that did not help me, but thanks for the suggestion. Anyway I manage to add my logo/banner to my order process email. In the catalog/includes/modules/shipping/paypal_standard.php (it should also works in catalog/checkout_process.php, as well as create_account.php) I used this contribution Email_order_clickable_link with a line added for to get the image. If you do not SSL , put false instead of true. // lets start with the email confirmation $email_order = NULL; $link_to_order = tep_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT_HISTORY_INFO, 'order_id=' . $insert_id, 'SSL', true); if (EMAIL_USE_HTML) { $email_order .= EMAIL_TEXT_IMAGE . "\n\n"; $email_order .= EMAIL_SEPARATOR1 . "\n"; $email_order .= EMAIL_TEXT_THANKS . "\n"; $email_order .= EMAIL_SEPARATOR1 . "\n\n"; $email_order .= EMAIL_TEXT_DATE_ORDERED . ' ' . strftime(DATE_FORMAT_LONG) . "\n"; $email_order .= EMAIL_TEXT_ORDER_NUMBER . ' ' . $order_id . "\n"; $email_order .= EMAIL_TEXT_INVOICE_URL . ' <a href="' . $link_to_order . '">' . $link_to_order . '</a>' . "\n\n"; } else { $email_order .= STORE_NAME . "\n"; $email_order .= EMAIL_SEPARATOR . "\n". $email_order .= EMAIL_TEXT_THANKS . "\n\n"; $email_order .= EMAIL_TEXT_DATE_ORDERED . ' ' . strftime(DATE_FORMAT_LONG) . "\n\n"; $email_order .= EMAIL_TEXT_ORDER_NUMBER . ' ' . $order_id . "\n"; $email_order .= EMAIL_TEXT_INVOICE_URL . ' ' . $link_to_order . "\n\n"; } unset($link_to_order); $email_order .= EMAIL_COMMENTS; if ($order->info['comments']) { $email_order .= tep_db_output($order->info['comments']) . "\n"; In the store/includes/languages/english/checkout_process.php I added define('EMAIL_TEXT_IMAGE', '<IMG height=75 alt="" src="" width=667>'); I also wanted more text eg a thank you and I defined that here also and spacers . eg define('EMAIL_TEXT_THANKS','<FONT color=#808080 size=4> Thank you for shopping with MY Store.</FONT>'); Since this also stands for corrections as I am not coder but maybe it will can help someone else and not confuse or someone can make it better. cheers.
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