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Meta Tags & Title Tags


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Does anyone know which files need to be accessed within the file manager so that I may add meta/title tags to each product page?


you will need to install special module which available in contribution database.



within the file manager so that I may add meta/title tags to each product page

it will be impossible to use the file manager to add for each product the meta tags, as the pages generated dynamically using php and mysql database.

Please read this line: Do you want to find all the answers to your questions? click here. As for contribution database it's located here!

8 people out of 10 don't bother to read installation manuals. I can recommend: if you can't read the installation manual, don't bother to install any contribution yourself.

Before installing contribution or editing/updating/deleting any files, do the full backup, it will save to you & everyone here on the forum time to fix your issues.

Any issues with oscommerce, I am here to help you.


So what would be the best option for adding meta & title tags? I'm new to using osocommerce & everything I've done so far has been self taught. So, please excuse me if I sound ignorant.


What do you mean by my pages were created dynamically using php & mysql?


Do I need to use mysql for what I want to do or what is it used for?


So what would be the best option for adding meta & title tags? I'm new to using osocommerce & everything I've done so far has been self taught. So, please excuse me if I sound ignorant.


What do you mean by my pages were created dynamically using php & mysql?


Do I need to use mysql for what I want to do or what is it used for?

Oscommerce is called a dynamic shop because the data you see on the web page is created each time the page is displayed. In an html site (static), the file is always the same. Since the page gets rebuilt each time it loads, it is possible to use one file to handle any number of items. That is what happens with your products page. There is only one file for the products but you can have thousands of products. So each time that one file gets loaded, it loads in whichever product you tell it to (via the url). Because of that, you can't add meta tag code like you would for an html site. The titles and meta tags also have to be loaded each time the page is loaded. What gets loaded depends on the page being loaded. The best way to hadnle this is to install one of the meta tags contributions. Once installed and setup, your tags will be loaded for you each time for every page.

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Ok, now I understand. You say to install "one" of the meta tags contributions. Which one do you suggest? Will I find it in the "add-ons"? And, where do I install it? Sorry for all the questions but you seem to be very knowledgeable!


Ok, now I understand. You say to install "one" of the meta tags contributions. Which one do you suggest? Will I find it in the "add-ons"? And, where do I install it? Sorry for all the questions but you seem to be very knowledgeable!


Ok, now I understand. You say to install "one" of the meta tags contributions. Which one do you suggest? Will I find it in the "add-ons"? And, where do I install it? Sorry for all the questions but you seem to be very knowledgeable!

I recommend Header Tags SEO. A link to it is in my signature. There are many others available. You can search the addons section for meta tags to find them. Each contribution comes with instructions as to how to install them. Some have detailed instructions while some are almost non-existent. No matter which you choose, be sure to backup everything first. It is easy to make mistakes when installing contributions and without a backup, you could cause damage to your shop. But don't let that scare you. All of us had to learn how to install them at some point and only a few died from the effort. :)

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