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The e-commerce.

Extra attributes (size etc) for only certain products?


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Been working on the site for about a week, learnt a lot, very impressed with OsCommerce.


Now I have such a simple question, which I am sure must have been asked and answered before, although I can't find a thread here or on Oscdox.


Simply this: Suppose I want certain extra attributes for, say, 150 out of 3,000 products. Say, small, medium and large, without having to upload 3 different versions of that produc, but without "small, medium and large" appearing on all the rest of the products.


Does that make sense? Thanks!


That's what attibutes are for in the admin side of the store ....you create your attributes for your need ex: pants choice if size S..M..L or color Blue...green..white etc




I feel well and truly stoopid now! In fact, we've spent so long uploading stuff using the excellent EasyPopulate contrib that we'd hardly been near the control panel.


Talking of excellent contribs, what are your favourites?

We're using EasyPopulate and Infopages. We'd really like to add one of those improved category nav tools, but I've had trouble finding one that works in Opera 7. Ideally I'd like to avoid javascript altogether.


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