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i keep getting hit with this type of thing



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now from the look of them they are not harmfull...but how is this happening ..is there a patch i can install to stop these kind of attacks?


Your site has been compromised and a hacker is inserting advertising into your site (whether visible or not, search engines see them as backlinks). Read up on securing your site ( http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=313323 ), change the name of /admin, get rid of file_admin.php and define_language.php, change passwords, clear out any files you can't account for, scan your PC for spyware.


ok ive renamed the admin folder i need to delete file_admin.php and define_language.php,


i have install the security pro addon


however i have a VERY heavily modified site and some of the code that is refered to in the install text of these secuity update isnt there



7months down the road i now have the site how i want it and functioning correct..shame its about as secure as an open door!


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