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Strange problems when transfering OScommerce between hosts


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Hey Guys,


I'm trying to transfer my OScommerce site from one host to another. I'm coming up with some pretty strange problems and want to know if anyone else has experienced them.


The site is exactly the same, all the code is the same, the database, everything is the same on both hosting accounts. I seem to be getting two repeat issues, which are:


1. If I enable SSL on the store front you cannot log into your account, or create a new one.


Then sometimes account creation is fine and instead I have this problem:


2. When I enable SSL on the store front and you go to your account or to checkout the formatting is broken and pictures don't load.



SSL on the admin side is working fine.



To me this has to be some difference in hosts settings since the site is exactly the same.


Does anyone have any ideas?


Hey Guys,


I'm trying to transfer my OScommerce site from one host to another. I'm coming up with some pretty strange problems and want to know if anyone else has experienced them.


The site is exactly the same, all the code is the same, the database, everything is the same on both hosting accounts. I seem to be getting two repeat issues, which are:


1. If I enable SSL on the store front you cannot log into your account, or create a new one.


Then sometimes account creation is fine and instead I have this problem:


2. When I enable SSL on the store front and you go to your account or to checkout the formatting is broken and pictures don't load.



SSL on the admin side is working fine.



To me this has to be some difference in hosts settings since the site is exactly the same.


Does anyone have any ideas?


Pretty much guarantee this is a configure.php issue ( otherwise a hardcoding issue ).


I understood 2) which leads me to the above conclusion.


1) however ..


1. If I enable SSL on the store front you cannot log into your account, or create a new one.


What? it says


No get lost!


or it says


"I'm afraid I'm feeling a bit nasty today .. so I'm not going to work"?


Sarcasm aside what do you mean "cannot log into your account, or create a new one"? :)





Have you deleted your browser cookies and temp files ? Is the SSL on the new site the same as the old and is the new SSL installed properly ? Have you updated your configuration files to reflect the new path ?





Sarcasm aside what do you mean "cannot log into your account, or create a new one"? :)


Well it just tells you that the account doesn't exist if you try to logon to an existing account. If you try to create a new account after you input all your details and hit submit it pretends like nothing happens






Have you deleted your browser cookies and temp files ? Is the SSL on the new site the same as the old and is the new SSL installed properly ? Have you updated your configuration files to reflect the new path ?




I've deleted my browser cookie. I believe Germ has verified that SSL is working properly.


Another iteresting thing to note, the formatting/pictures not loading only effect Internet Explorer (I tried 6,7,8) but firefox displays the page fine.


Like I said in our PM:


1. You've got "unsecure" links to images and/or scripts on the page.


2. Your SSL cert. is registered to "site.com" and your config file seems to be using "www.site.com".


3. And you have one of the SEO URL mod's installed and I'm pretty sure the .htaccess file associated with it needs work.


For example if I try your site with this URL in the browser address bar: "https://site.com" it gets rewritten to "http://www.site.com".


I'm not saying this is all your problems but it's my take on the situation. Maybe I've missed the boat completely (again).



And there's someone who has posted in this thread that I would consider a resident expert on SEO URL mod's.


He may have even authored one or two fabulous contributions in that area...


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


"Given enough impetus a parallelogramatically shaped projectile can egress a circular orifice."

- Me -


"Headers already sent" - The definitive help


"Cannot redeclare ..." - How to find/fix it


SSL Implementation Help


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At this point I would suggest you have all the information required to correct the errors on your site. I believe that 3 members have pointed to some of the same issues, all that's left is that correct them.





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