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Tep_image function in <td>tags and in the language fil


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Hi Colleagues!


I am giving up, and I'll have to put it to you. I've searched for hours and tried in vain.

I'm trying to use the tep_image function to define a background image for a cell. If just insert it the tag, the final '>' of the '?>' is recognised as the end of the cell tag. Not good.


How can I still do it? Hardcoding doesn't work as these images wouldn't display in SSL mode then.


The same problem applies to all images which I tried to insert in varous language files (includes/languages/english/default.php).

How can I use the tep_image function where it says "Type you text here..." ie. Where the content of the page goes.


To see what I mean, have a look at


Any ideas?

Thanks for your answers in advance!


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