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Only Internet Explorer messing up product descriptions, not Firefox


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Hi everyone,


I've been having this problem for months now which isn't absolutely critical, but is very annoying.


The spacing/margins/padding or some combination of these is slightly off only in Internet Explorer (7 and 8), but not in Firefox,

only in the product description pages, but not the product listing pages or any other pages like index.php or any of the checkout



What happens is the margin above the header disappears, the header somehow becomes a few pixels taller, the gap between the header

and main body increases slightly, and somehow the alignment between the search and newsletter email forms and the button images

next to them gets messed up by a few pixels.


The frustrating thing is that I'm not even sure what add-on is causing this issue, as maybe it could be related to Product

Listing Enhancements 2.8, Simple Multiple Images (Unlimited) with Fancy Popups 1.3.5, or maybe FCKeditor as the person in

the post above had surmised.


So my problem might be in product_info.php, includes/modules/product_listing.php (or not), or even includes/functions/html_output.php.

Or maybe somewhere else I haven't even looked in yet.


Given that this is only an IE problem and not Firefox, I'm hoping that maybe someone else has had this issue before and might offer

an approach to fixing it, short of uninstalling everything.


Any ideas?







I was afraid my post would be too verbose to get a response...



Any ideas at least of what file I should be looking at? product_info.php or html_output.php?


Doh! Sorry I couldn't edit the last post in time...


Well upon further inspection, my product_info.php (which is somewhat modified with Header Tags SEO and various add-ons),

had this in line 31 right at the beginning of <head>:


<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" />


I took it out, and of course everything now magically works fine with both Firefox and IE8.


I must have put it in a while back based on this recommendation in post #1785:




Does anyone know if there's any real benefit to having this code in product_info.php for any purpose? I'm assuming that

more people now or eventually will use IE8 more than IE7, so it makes sense to optimize for that.


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