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OsCommerce v 2.3 - when?


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Hey Multimixer, go police some other thread.


I'm not trying to police anything or anyone, I just commented on something in the same way you did on my comment. "Go and do that" sounds much more like "policing"


Anyway, I hope that this thread will keep holding such interesting posts, as your discussion with burt, that I was following with a great interest

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Dude, Bennett was asking for help, why not just pm some advice or something instead of trying to humiliate him publicly?


"In all kindness, do you need another cup of coffee or a longer nap?" - this comment was not made by you to publicly humiliate me? Seems that way. Pot Kettle Black.




Getting back towards topic, I've been playing with glob to satisfy my own curiosity as to whether I could use that to load in scripts based on what page is being looked at - it works fine. I am going to find time to play with getheadertags next. If I can make that work then we have the basis of loading extra scripts per page with no overhead at all, and no need to go backwards in development.


Getting exactly back on topic, there have been no commits to 2.3 for over a week, suggesting one of two things;


1. Development is finished and it's being tested at the moment ready for imminent release

2. Developers are taking a break

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Getting exactly back on topic, there have been no commits to 2.3 for over a week, suggesting one of two things;


1. Development is finished and it's being tested at the moment ready for imminent release

2. Developers are taking a break


I would suggest both


The version can be made available to download somewhere, people try and test, post whatever they have to say in a forum section, then when developers come back from holidays(*), they fix this all ( ! ), if there is anything and make a regular release


I know, this is a "retesting" and it is something that should and could e done. But there are 2 truths:

1) People (not developers, common users) don't know, or don't want to know, how to take something from github.

2) A real testing can be done only by "real" users, and real I mean the common, non professional programmer users. Doesn't matter how many hypothetical situations you test through, there is always 1 at least that you didn't thought about, and that exactly is the one that will appear at the first live test



(*) maybe they post pictures? :)

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The questions I and I'm sure other lay people have is will v2.3 be fully compatible with current add-ons? What about compatibility with older add-ons that are no longer supported but still popular?


These are the 2 new features which I'm wondering about:


# Modular Header Tags implementation for:


* Google Analytics and E-Commerce Tracking

* OpenSearch

* Categories (SEO)

* Manufacturers (SEO)

* Products (SEO)


# HTML layout separated and moved to new template_top.php and template_bottom.php files



Generally speaking, are there any types of add-ons that will work on 2.2RC2a but not 2.3?

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The questions I and I'm sure other lay people have is will v2.3 be fully compatible with current add-ons? What about compatibility with older add-ons that are no longer supported but still popular?


Most addons are fine.


These are the 2 new features which I'm wondering about:


# Modular Header Tags implementation for:


* Google Analytics and E-Commerce Tracking

* OpenSearch

* Categories (SEO)

* Manufacturers (SEO)

* Products (SEO)


# HTML layout separated and moved to new template_top.php and template_bottom.php files


What is your question exactly?

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I would suggest both


The version can be made available to download somewhere, people try and test, post whatever they have to say in a forum section, then when developers come back from holidays(*), they fix this all ( ! ), if there is anything and make a regular release


I know, this is a "retesting" and it is something that should and could e done. But there are 2 truths:

1) People (not developers, common users) don't know, or don't want to know, how to take something from github.

2) A real testing can be done only by "real" users, and real I mean the common, non professional programmer users. Doesn't matter how many hypothetical situations you test through, there is always 1 at least that you didn't thought about, and that exactly is the one that will appear at the first live test


I agree. But it is not hard to visit git and make the "download source" button ? It comes in a .zip file, so is as easy as downloading from oscommerce site. It is better to not have it here as it is not yet a finished product. I just found a nasty bug that is non-critical, but needs looking at.



(*) maybe they post pictures? :)



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I agree. But it is not hard to visit git and make the "download source" button ? It comes in a .zip file, so is as easy as downloading from oscommerce site. It is better to not have it here as it is not yet a finished product.


No, it's not hard at all. I just believe that having a link on the regular osCommerce site would result to more downloads and more feedback, if this is the desired result.


It's also that github gives the impression of entering "forbidden territory" for non developers, also that something is changing all the time, how can somebody know what exactly he is testing? The only way is to start following the processes there.


It don't need to be posted as a finished product (like v3), even a link in a forum post would do it, maybe something like a "official testing release" for a week or so, then the link is removed. During a period of time people can see whats going on and post feedback

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It don't need to be posted as a finished product (like v3), even a link in a forum post would do it, maybe something like a "official testing release" for a week or so, then the link is removed. During a period of time people can see whats going on and post feedback


It's a good idea - hopefully one of the people in charge will take it on board ;)

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"In all kindness, do you need another cup of coffee or a longer nap?" - this comment was not made by you to publicly humiliate me? Seems that way. Pot Kettle Black.



Touche' . Criticism always comes back to bit you in the a$#.

Oscommerce site:



OSC to CSS, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/7263 -Mail Manager, http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/8120

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I have been playing with the latest versions for a few weeks now and It is looking good. Here are a few suggestions for the ‘Final’ version. (based on oscommerce2-d304fcb)


1) Remove the extra <tr> in the upcoming products module.


2) with error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT) I get this error adding products to the cart.


Notice: Undefined index: id in C:\xampp\htdocs\test\includes\application_top.php on line 337
Notice: Undefined index: id in C:\xampp\htdocs\test\includes\application_top.php on line 337
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\test\includes\application_top.php:337) in C:\xampp\htdocs\test\includes\functions\general.php on line 45


It would be nice if this were fixed as it seems to be the Only error.


3) Only install the jqueryui script required for the buttons. Installing the whole script creates loads of CSS errors.


4) Template_top is a nice idea and will make installing some contributions much easier to install, however, as George and Burt have already commented above, it could get messy. What if I want a page with different code?


Do we create ‘if’ statements or Do we create separate template_tops? I am sure the Devs have considered this and it would be nice to have their comments on this.


5) some of the database field lengths have been increased, however the ‘products_model’ field has been left at 12. Many accounts packages have a field length of 30 for the stock code and so it would be nice if ‘products_model’ were increased to match.





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1) Remove the extra <tr> in the upcoming products module.


Nice catch - I have put it in the bug reports area - http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/tracker

I've updated it in my git repository. Will link HPDL to it for consideration.


4) Template_top is a nice idea and will make installing some contributions much easier to install, however, as George and Burt have already commented above, it could get messy. What if I want a page with different code?


Do we create ‘if’ statements or Do we create separate template_tops? I am sure the Devs have considered this and it would be nice to have their comments on this.


How different would "different code" be? Can you give an example?


5) some of the database field lengths have been increased, however the ‘products_model’ field has been left at 12. Many accounts packages have a field length of 30 for the stock code and so it would be nice if ‘products_model’ were increased to match.


Updated in my git repo. Will link HPDL to it for consideration.

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"Template_top is a nice idea and will make installing some contributions much easier to install". 100% agreed.


A very good example is FWR Medias "Kiss Meta Tags" contribution (which by the way everyone should be using!).

Instead of having to amend 30 or mroe files, it takes now just 1 file to make the change.


Thank you for the feedback Ken. I'm looking at your other bits that I have not answered now.

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2) with error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT) I get this error adding products to the cart. Notice: Undefined index: id


"id" is used when a product has attributes.

If a product has no attributes then this error occurs.


Can you try to add a product WITH attributes to the cart and see if you get this error?

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Hi Gary


I do have KissMT installed (modified for &page). But I don’t use it on some static pages, such as Shipping & Returns and Privacy Notice pages.

I also have <noindex> tags in some pages.


I guess the easiest way would be to continue to use these V2.2 pages in V2.3 which will not call template_top. template_top should cause no major problems.


Can you try to add a product WITH attributes to the cart and see if you get this error?


The error only occurs when a product with no attributes is added to the cart.


Do we still need Security Pro?

Security Pro sanitises $_GET from [w](o)%3Cr%3Ek|i*n^g into working.

V2.3 changes [w](o)%3Cr%3Ek|i*n^g to [w](o)%253Cr%253Ek|i*n^g





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Security Pro may not be needed in 2.3 - would wait until final release before choosing what to addon though.


[2.3 has] been through numerous different auditing suits and against the catalog and admin sections have tested over 19,000 different vulnerabilities in PHP scripts including XSS, SQL Injection, XSRF, Session Fixation etc, so from a security point of view [...] pretty confident that there are no easy ways to manipulate 2.3
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I've been through this thread with great intrest and got some good advice.... BUT...


I don't know about you guys but sometimes when I read these boards I feel totaly lost. This happens mostly when code and other things like that is being discussed. I know alot of you are really good at this and probably can call yourself gurus and pros. But the problem still stands... Alot of people don't have a clue what you're talking about, hence some "stupid" questions (even thought these shouldn't excist in a community like this), and some might even be scared off aswell. Mostly, and I speak for myself only, I can figure things out with the help of the boards and the answers given but sometimes I just leave things alone because I feel I'm out on thin ice. Perhaps a wee bit nicer and gentler tone would be thought about? We're not all pros here and some of us are real FNG's actually and just want a shop that works and that we can manage on our own and even develope. Perhaps even contribute to the community at some point. Give us, as someone said in the thread, "REAL" users a chance and see what we can help with. Maybe we do such dumb mistakes/combinations you missed it in the process.

As for Github... Someone here said that it "looks like forbidden area". I agree, it does look like you don't belong there if you're new or unexperienced. Downloading the package almost seems like you're stealing something. But I can understand why you developers use it, it's an easy way to share and let others download.


Now then... About v2.3... Is it ready to be tried out? Can we FNG's fiddle with this and break something or should we wait until some of the gurus and pros say "Go for it"? I love OSC and the work you've all done with it and I'm really looking forward to see v3.0 later on and I'm really happy about this v2.3 too.



"I follow no path in life... Instead I walk straight and leave a trail for others to follow..."


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I suppose I would be considered a "guru" and a "pro" - though I hate labels.


I say "download from github, install, play - if you find bugs, report them".


We need YOUR help as someone who knows not a lot except how to ruin a shop. It is you guys who will be using 2.3 - not me - so feedback from you (and more like you) is worth more than it's weight in gold. It is more likely that you will find a bug than I will, I'm one of the ones here to help FIX them, not FIND them ;)

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I suppose I would be considered a "guru" and a "pro" - though I hate labels.


I say "download from github, install, play - if you find bugs, report them".


We need YOUR help as someone who knows not a lot except how to ruin a shop. It is you guys who will be using 2.3 - not me - so feedback from you (and more like you) is worth more than it's weight in gold. It is more likely that you will find a bug than I will, I'm one of the ones here to help FIX them, not FIND them ;)


There! Thats what I want to hear. Thanks Burt! :thumbsup:


Don't want to lable anyone really but I couldn't find a better word for it. But YES! you are gurus and pros and we others need you as well as you need us.

Got it downloaded now and installed (same as always, yes?) and it looks about the same too. But you guys probably did alot of cool stuff behind it all that we can't see. ;)



"I follow no path in life... Instead I walk straight and leave a trail for others to follow..."


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I've been using osc for several years and just installed the latest version i found (oscommerce2-d304fcb), it looks great, much work done, only one suggestion (not sure if it is spoted already, but no harm will be done if i mention it, so here it is):


* when you perform a search from advanced_search.php without selecting a specific manufacturer, the links in the result are with manufacturers_id not set (manufacturers_id=&products_id).

* the links won't work if you use Search-Engine Safe URLs.


the fix could be:

in catalog\includes\modules\product_listing.php
change line 97
           if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'])) {
           if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id']) && tep_not_null($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id'])) {

hope this helps

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  • 2 weeks later...



There are DEPRECATED functions in the install directory


ereg() in



And three eregi() in







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