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The e-commerce.

Double accounts


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is there any way to combine/merge 2 customers accounts into one? Also any way to put a stop to this so customers can't be allowed to create new (double) accounts?


thanks in advance...


By default, the create account page checks for duplicate email accounts and won't allow the same email address. That is the extent of the validation.


If a customer creates secondary accounts with an alternate email address there is no validation for that.






you could add some custom code in your admin to merge an account with another one - the one from where the merging should occur would then be the new combined account, the secondary one would have to be deleted and all info saved to the secondary account would have to be transfered to the customer ID of the primary account...




addicted to writing code ... can't get enough of databases either, LOL!


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Interactive Media Award July 2007 ~ category E-Commerce

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