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concerning live support


when using the symbolic links to default.php and the includes folder

so that a user can type in just the domain causes a page cannot be found

when the javascript window.open is used to initiate live support.


if you open the site with http://www.yourdomain.com/catalog/default.php

it works just fine.


Maybe I could get some suggestions. Do I need another symbolic link to another folder in domain root?


Please Help


Maybe I am answering my own question, I will look over default.php

to see.


Thanks in advance

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So you want a small help javascript window to open when the domain doesnt point to the 40 instead of the default.php index?


I guess you can do that with a lil bit of htaccess, javascript and some php coding but why go thru all that trouble when you can simply rename your default.php files to index.php and change the definition to index,php?


Im not sure i understand your challenge or is you question the challenge?.

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Thanks for replying illicious but I figured out the prob and solved by moving everything into the webs root directory and changing the configure.php file.


Thanks again!

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